Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Membership Portal
Tribal Administration has created a secure site for tribal citizens to quickly access documents, forms, and news that previously was only available upon request or to those that attend General Membership and Tribal Council Meetings. Tribal citizens are required to keep this information confidential.
Zoom Link :
Meeting ID: 893 8194 2567
Passcode: 432549
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community/Government Center
Tribal Council Chambers – 483 Great Neck Rd S – Mashpee, MA 02649
Wednesday, March 12, 2025-5:30p.m.-8:30p.m.
Available via Zoom
Topic Person(s) Responsible Time
Ø ___ Opening Prayer Roll Call 05Mins
Ø ___ Approval of Agenda 03/12/2025 05Mins
Ø ___ Meeting Minutes 2/26/25 05Mins
Ø ___ Appointments / Resignations MWTC 10Mins
Ø ___ Public Comment 15Mins
Ø ___ Emergency Votes/Ratifications MWTC 05Mins
Ø ___ Meeting Dates MWTC 05Mins
Ø ___ Approval of Agreement with Laredo & Legal 05 Mins
Smith (Tribal Prosecutor)
Ø ___ Approval of Agreement with Collective Strategies Treasurer Soliz 10 Mins
Ø ___ Sam Manuel Grant Application Education 05 Mins
Ø ___ Approval of Facilities Usage Policy Secretary Landry 10 Mins
Ø ___ CDC Shareholder Representative Meeting CDC 45 Mins
Ø ___ Tribal Council Matters Chairman 45Mins
Ø ___ Legal Update 10 Mins
Last Resolution Completed
2025-RES-014 Approval of Support for MBI BEAD Grant Application
Tabled Resolutions:
Last Ordinance Approved
Tribal Records
Meeting Minutes
Tribal Resolutions
2025-RES-001 Ratification of Approval of Date for General Body Election ...
2025-RES-002 Ratification of Approval of the 477 Rise Together Program i...
2025-RES-003 Ratification of Approval of Northeast SARE Grant Submittal ...
2025-RES-005 Amended and Restated Approval of Annual Budget Review Proce...
2025-RES-006 US DOC National Telecomunications and Information Administr...
2025-RES-007 Approval and Authorization of NCAI Tribal Delegates
2025-RES-008 Approval and Authorization of USET Tribal Delegates
2025-RES-010 Approval of Filling of Tribal Councilor Vacancy in Accordan...
2025-RES-011 Emergency Approval of Filling of Tribal Councilor Vacancy with Article VIII Section 4a2
2024-RES-004 Establishment of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Workforce Development Taskforce
2024-RES-005 Approval of Submittal of Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grant to BIA
2024-RES-006 Ratification of Approval of Submittal of Energy Development Capacity Grant
2024-RES-007 Approval of Agreement with Collaborative Educational Services
2024-RES-008 Approval of Tribal Benefit Agreement with Vineyard Offshore, LLC
2024-RES-009 Approval of Proclamation of Wampanoag New Year as an Official MWT Holiday
2024-RES-010 Approving Vela Foundation Food & Wellness Grant Submittal
2024-RES-012 Approving the Submittal of USDept ofJustice BIA Tribal Justice Infastructure Program
2024-RES-013 Approving the Submittal of Edward J Byrne Memorial JAG Grant
2024-RES-015 Replacing Good Friday with Benjamin F. Hallett Day Approval
2024-RES-016 Approval of Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal
2024-RES-017 Approving Submittal of First Nations Native Language Immersion Initiative Grant
2024-RES-018 Approval of Subaward Agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2024-RES-020 Approval of Chairman Weedens Application to Tribal Leadership Academy at Dartmouth
2024-RES-022 Ratification of Approval of Submittal of 2024 NAGPRA Consultation Document Grant
2024-RES-024 Approval of the MW Tribal Council Virtual Meeting Policy and Procedures
2024-RES-025 Ratification of Approval of Community Benefits Agreement with Park City Wind LLC
2024-RES-026 Approving the Transitional Housing and Shelter Program Drug-Alcohol Testing Policy
2024-RES-027 Approval of Agreement for Services- Building Services
2024-RES-028 Approval of the Establishment of the MWT Government Legal Fund
2024-RES-033 Authorization for the THPD NAGPRA Repatriation Grant Submittal
2024-RES-035 Approving Authorization of Recording Secretary in Absence of Tribal Council Secretary
2024-RES-037 Approval of Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding with Suffolk University Law School
2024-RES-038 Approval of Filling of Tribal Councilor Vacancy
2024-RES-041 Approval of Tribal Community Vote for The MW Code of Ethics
2024-RES-045 Approval of Agreement with Weston and Sampson Services Inc.
2024-RES-046 Ratification of Approval of 2024-2025 Insurance Renewal
2024-RES-047 Approval of BIA Division of Tribal Justice Support Funding Request
2024-RES-049 Resolution Approving MWT Annual Meeting Calendar
2024-RES-050 Approval Establishing the Weetumuw School Committee
2024-RES-051 Ratification of Approval of Agreement with Leslie Jonas for...
2024-RES-052 Approval of 8th Amendment to MOU with Town of Mashpee
2024-RES-053 Approval of 7th Amendment to MOU with City of Taunton
2024-RES-055 Approval of the MWT Operations Organizational Chart
2024-RES-056 Approval of MWT Burial Assistance Program Policy and Procud...
2024-RES-057 Approval and Authorization of USET Tribal Membership
2024-RES-059 Approval and Authorization of NCAI Tribal Membership
2024-RES-060 USDOI Bureau of Indian Education Grant Submittal
2024-RES-061 Approval of Contract with CHNewton Builders for Work to be ...
2024-RES-066 Approval Of Federal Transportation Authority Grant Submittal
2024-RES-067 Ratification Approval of Registration and Agreements with F...
2024-RES-068 Ratification Approval of FTA TTP Competitive Grant Submitta...
2024-RES-069 Ratification Approval of Dept of Public Health PHEP
2024-RES-070 Approving Appointment and Engagement of Law Offices of Bren...
2024-RES-071 Approval of Engagement Letter with Suffolk University Law S...
2024-RES-072 Approval of Request for Information to be Filed by TERO wit...
2024-RES-073 Approving the Tribal Administrator to Manage and Oversee th...
2024-RES-074 MWT THP Institute of Museum and Library Services NANH-FY25 ...
2024-RES-075 Ratification of MWT THPD Institue of Museum and Library Ser...
2024-RES-076 Ratification and Approval of Master Purchase Agreement and Amendment 1 With WWT
2024-RES-077 Approval to Submit Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant to EPA
2024-RES-079 Ratificaton of Approval Authorizing the 2025 Cape Cod Licen...
2024-RES-080 Approving Increase in GMA Note I Maximum Principal Amount a...
2024-RES-081 Approval of Conveyance of Certain Parcels Located in the Co...
2024-RES-082 Emergency Approval of the 477 Rise Together Program in Acco...
2023-RES-001 Ratification of Approval of the 7th Amendment to MOU with Town of Mashpee
2023-RES-003 Ratification of Approval of Sullivan Benefits Renewal Proposal
2023-RES-007 Approval of 2023 Police and Security Recognized Holiday Schedule
2023-RES-008 Approval of Central Monitoring Agreement with Signet Electronic Systems
2023-RES-009 Approval of Filling of Treasurer Vacancy in Accordance with Article VIII Section 4A1
2023-RES-010 US Department of Labor Employment and Training Admin Youth Build
2023-RES-011 Reafirmation ANA Preservation and Maintenance Grant App
2023-RES-013 Approval of Tribal Opioid Settlement Participationa dna Release CVS
2023-RES-014 Approval of Tribal Opioid Settlement and Participation and Release TEVA and Allergan
2023-RES-015 Approval of Tribal Opioid Settlement and Participation and Release Walgreens
2023-RES-016 Approval of Tribal Opioid Settlement and Participation and Release Walmart
2023-RES-017 Approval and Authorization to Condemn Building Located at Maushop Farm (Tabled)
2023-RES-018 Acknowledgement of Emerita to Yvonne Peters Avant
2023-RES-019 Approval and Authorization of NCAI Tribal Membership
2023-RES-020 Approval of Authorization of USET Tribal Membership
2023-RES-021 Ratification of Approval of Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal
2023-RES-024 Ratification of the Emergency Approval of Agreement with Landscape Interactions
2023-RES-025 BIA ARPA Housing Improvement Plan Grant Submittal
2023-RES-027-Approving Authorization of Recording Secretary in Absence of Tribal Council Secretary
2023-RES-028 Approval of Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program
2023-RES-029 Department of Agriculture Rural Business Development Grant
2023-RES-030 Approval of the Re-establishment of the Constitution Committee and Reform Working Group
2023-RES-031 Amendment to 2011-RES-045 Appointment of Tribal Council Members to Tribal Entities
2023-RES-034 Approval of Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Grants Management Handbook
2023-RES-035 Emergency Approval to Participate in the TTAcenters Intensive TTA
2023-RES-036 Emergency Approval to Submit the Gruben Charitable Foundation Grant
2023-RES-038 Emergency Approval to Approve the Mens Healing Lodge Polices and Resident Forms
2023-RES-041 Emergency Approval Declaration of the Rights of Herring
2023-RES-042 Emergency Approval of Engagement Letter with Rich May_Calamar
2023-RES-047 Ratification of Approval of BIA Division of Tribal Justice Support Funding Request
2023-RES-048 Ratification of Approval of the Men's Healing Lodge Policies and Resident Forms
2023-RES-052 Ratification of Approval of NDN Collective Community Self- Determination Fund
2023-RES-053 Termination of Declaration of State of Emergency to Respond to COVID-19
2023-RES- 058 Establishment of the Old Indian Cemetery Commission
2023-RES- 059 Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (EV Chargers) Funding Request
2023-RES-064 Approving the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council Regular Meeting Calendar
2023-RES-065 Approving 2024 Calendar of the Mashpee Wampanoag Recognized Holidays
2023-RES-066 Coastline Elderly Service Inc Title III of the Older Americans Act Grant
2023-RES-068 Approving Environmental Protection Agency Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
2023-RES-070 Approval Proposal From Catalyst Architecture for Design of Community Building
2023-RES-072 Ratification of Approval of Henry Luce Foundation Grant Submittal
2023-RES-073 Ratification of Approval of 23-24 Insurance Renewal
2023-RES-075 MWT HPD Capacity Building and Collaboration Agreement
2023-RES-076 Repeal _ Full time Tribal council Positions and Any Subsequent Amendments
2023-RES-077 Tribal Council Full Time Status and Compensation
2023-RES-078 Approval of Consent of Employer To Lump Settlement Agreement
2023-RES-086 Ratification of Approval of Rate Increases for Tribal Court Judges
2023-RES-090 Approval of Enrollment Moratorium of New Membership Applications Effective 9-21-2023
2023-RES-091 Approval to Submit the Ajana Foundation Food Sovereignty Program Application
2023-RES-092 Ratification of Approval of Submittal of Solar for All EPA Grant
2023-RES-093 Ratification of Approval of Submittal of the DOJ TAP Application
2023-RES-094 Ratification of Approval of Engagement Letter with Walker and Armstrong
2023-RES-095 Ratification of Approval of Submittal of the AJANA Application
2023-RES-096 MWT Council Declaration of State of Emergency due to the Homeless Crisis
2023-RES-098 Approval and Authorization of USET Tribal Membership
2023-RES-099 Approval of Commercial Service Gas Agreement with National Grid
2023-RES-100 Approval of Opioid Settlement and Release Form for McKinsey and Company Inc Settlement
2023-RES-104 Emergency Approval to Submit the Better Way Foundation 2023 Grant
2023-RES-106 Emergency Approval of 2023 Employee Benefits Proposal- Sullivan Insurance
2023-RES-107 Emergency Approval of Proposal from C.H. Newton Builders Inc.
2023-RES-108 Approval Supporting Chairman Brian Weeden Nomination of NCAI 1st Vice President
2023-RES-109 Ratification of Approval of Better Way Foundation 2023 Grant Submittal
2023-RES-110 Ratification of Approval of BIA 1X Excess Funding Request
2023-RES-111 Ratification of Approval of 2023 Employee Benefits Proposal- Sullivan Insurance
2023-RES-112 Ratification of Approval of Proposal from C.H. Newton Builders
2023-RES-116 Approving the Submittal of Cape Cod Foundation Grant
2023-RES-117 Approval of Lease Agreement for 9 Deborah Bottle Road
2023-RES-118 Approval Establishing the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Homeless Taskforce
2023-RES-119 Approval Establishing the Mashpee Wampanoag 12 Acres Revitilization Taskforce
2023-RES-120 Approval of Temporary Appointment of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Building Official
2023-RES-121 Approval of Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Unlawful Dumping Penalties
2023-RES-122 Approving Ajana Foundation Food Soverenty Grant Submittal
2023-RES-124 MWT THPD Authorization to Apply for Environmental Review Tribal Assistance Program
2022-RES-001 Approval of Interim Authority to Execute Agreements with I.H.S
2022-RES-002 Approval of MWTHD Admissions and Occupancy Policy and Procedures
2022-RES-004 Approval of MWTHD LIHTC Program Tenant Selection and Marketing Plan
2022-RES-006 Ratification of Approval of Engagement Letter with Dentons
2022-RES-007 BIA Invasive Species and Noxious Weed Control Funding
2022-RES-009 Acknowledgement of Citizen Participation in Compliance with HUD Noice PIH 2021-22
2022-RES-012 Approval of Legal Services Agreement with Callahan, Barraco, Inman and Bonzagi PC
2022-RES-014 Ratification of Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance Grant from DHHS
2022-RES-017 Approving Signatory Authority in the Absence of the Treasurer of the Tribe
2022-RES-019 US Department of Education Indian Education Discretionary Grant Programs
2022-RES-020 Approval of Engagement Letter with Walker and Armstrong
2022-RES-022 Approval of Engagement Letter with Brian Hickey and Associates
2022-RES-024 Approval of Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds
2022-RES-027 Emergency Approval of Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Government Code of Conduct
2022-RES-029 Approval of Contract Amendment with Catalyst Architecture
2022-RES-030 Approval of Construction Contract with Champion Builder Sew Lift Station
2022-RES-031 Approval of Construction Contract with Champion Builder Final 8 Homes
2022-RES-033 Emergency Approval of Proposal with REDW for Accounting Services
2022-RES-034 Ratification of Approval with REDW for Accounting Services
2022-RES-035 Approval of Tribal Opiod Settlement and Release with Opioid Distributors
2022-RES-036 Rarification of 2022-RES-027 Amended and Restated MWT Code of Conduct
2022-RES-037 Approval of Purchase and Sales Agreement with BC Property Enterprises, LLC
2022-RES-040 Approval of Protection Grant for Clean Energy Projects
2022-RES-044 Ratification of Approval of Proposal for Legal Services from D&W
2022-RES-045 Ratification of Approval of US Department of Treasury Funds for IT Support Group
2022-RES-046 Resolution Approving Annual Tribal Council Regular Meeting Calendar 2023
2022-RES-047 Approval of Special Diabetes Program for Indians Grant Submittal
2022-RES-050 Approval of Engagement Letter with Rory Dilweg to Serve as Gaming Commission Chairman
2022-RES-055 Approval of Proposal for Election Services with the Jacobson Law Group
2022-RES-057 Ratification of Submittal HAACP Renovation Project
2022-RES-059 Ratification of Submittal of DOI BOEM Mashpee Capacity and Collaboration Agreement
2022-RES-063 Amendment to 2018-RES-014 and Restatement of Full-Time Tribal Council Positions
2022-RES-064 Emergency Approval and Authorization of NCAI Tribal Membership
2022-RES-066 Ratification of Approval of Voluntary Compliance Agreement FY 2020 Audit
2022-RES-069 Ratification of Approval of Agreement for Services with Page Construction, CO
2022-RES-070 Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund U.S. Department of Treasury
2022-RES-071 Approval of Proposal with REDW for Consulting Services (IDC)
2022-RES-072 Emergency Approval of the Seventh Amendment to MOU with Town of Mashpee
2022-RES-074 Emergency Approval of Financing and Business Consulting Agreement from FSA
2021-RES-004 Ratifying and Approving an Additional Advance Request
2021-RES-005 Approving Signatory Authority in the Absence of a Chairperson of the Tribe
2021-RES-006 Resolution Ratifying and Approving an additional advance request
2021-RES-010 Judicial Advisory Opinion Regarding 2021 Regular Election
2021-RES-011 Approval Of MWT Commercial Fisherman Covid-19 Business Assistance grant program
2021-RES-013 Approval Of Ratification Of Bridge To Colleges Grant Program
2021-RES-015 Emergency Resolution Approving Engagement Letter with Jackson Lewis
2021-RES-016 Approval of MWT Extreme Conditions Hazard Pay Policy
2021-RES-019 Approval of Native American Agriculture Fund Grant
2021-RES-020 Emergency Resolution Approving Engagement Letter with Rich May
2021-RES-021 Ratification of Approval of MWT Extreme Condition hazard Pay Policy
2021-RES-023 Ratification of Approval of Lease Agreement for 85 Route 130 Emergency Management Base
2021-RES-024 Ratification of Approval of Native American Agriculture Fund Grant
2021-RES-028 US DOJ_ OJP_ OVC Tribal Victim Services Set Aside Formula Grant Program
2021-RES-029 Approval of Consultant Fee Agreement with CBIZ for Accounting Related Services
2021-RES-030 Approval of Supplemental Engagement Letter with Jackson Lewis
2021-RES-032 Approval of Engagement Letter with Jacobson law Group
2021-RES-033 Approval of Agreement Between Tribe and Architect Studio JAED
2021-RES-034 Approval of Service Agreement with Cornerstone Government Affairs
2021-RES-036 Approval of Sixth Amendment to MOU and Deputazation Agreement with City of Taunton
2021-RES-037 Elder Services of Cape Cod and Islands Title III of the Older Americans Act Grant
2021-RES-038 US Department of Treasury State Small Business Credit Initiative
2021-RES-041 Approval and Authorization of NCAI Tribal Membership
2021-RES-044 Ratification of Approval of MOU with Rutgers University
2021-RES-045 Approval of Settlement Agreement and Release with RGB
2021-RES-047 Approval and Authorization of USET Tribal Membership
2021-RES-049 Approval of Letter of Support for the Designation of Nantucket Sound
2021-RES-056 Approval of MOU with Coastline Elderly Services, Inc
2021-RES-057 Ratification of Approvl of Agreement Between MWT and FEMA for Declaration of Emergency
2021-RES-061 Ratification of Approval of Tribal Broadband Connectitiviy Program
2021-RES-062 US Dept of Edu Office of Elementary and Secondary Edu ARPA Indian Resilience in Edu
2021-RES-063 Approval of Temporary Appointment of the MWT Building Official
2021-RES-064 Andrew W. Mellon Foundatios Call for Proposals to Community Based Archives
2021-RES-066 Ratification of Approval of Fee Agreement with Alison Lowe for ICWA Representation
2021-RES-068 Approval of the MOA by and Between University of South Maine and MWT
2021-RES-069 Resolution Approving 2022 Annual GM Calendar and TC Regular Meeting Calendar
2021-RES-070 Ratification of Approval of US Treasury ARPA Homeowners Assistance Fund
2021-RES-071 Approval of Request for Funding BIA Division of Tribal Justice Tribal Court Operations
2021-RES-072 Approval of 2022 Americorps State and National Public Health Program
2021-RES-073 Approval of Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
2021-RES-075 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Contract with Alternate District Court Judge Jan W. Morris
2021-RES-077 Approval of Letter of Support for the NPS-NCBN Seagrass research Projects
2021-RES-078 Approval of Letter of Support for the NSF Coastlines and People (COPE Program
2021-RES-079 Approval of Letter of Support for the Passage of the Lumbee Tribe Recognition Act
2021-RES-080 Approval of Proposal From Melissa B. Petersen CPA LLC
2021-RES-081 Approval and Authorization of NIGA Tribal Membership
2021-RES-082 Approval of Construction Contract with Robert B. Our CO INC for IHS Waterline Expansion
2021-RES-083 Approval of Construction Contract with Champion Builders for Tribal
2021-RES-084 Approving Extensions for Genting Financing Documents and Other Related Matters
2020-RES-003 Approval Of Payments related to Law Offices Of Michaela D. McCuish Agreement
2020-RES-008 Approval Of Tribe Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant
2020-RES-012 Approval Of Submission SAMSHA Circles Grant Submittal
2020-RES-017 Approval of Payments Related To Law Offices Of Michaela D. McCuish Agreement
2020-RES-020 Resolution Approving Guardian AD Litem Advocacy Program
2020-RES-028 Approval Of Temporary Use Agreement with Atlantic Motel
2020-RES-029 Approval Of Proposal From Walker Armstrong LLP for professional Auditing services
2020-RES-034 Approval of Agreement between MWT and Wal-Mart Stores East LP
2020-RES-037 Approval Of Proposal from REDW for COVID-19 Related Services
2020-RES-039 Approval Of Engagement Letter From Todd and Weld for Legal Services
2020-RES-040 US Agriculture program Child and Family Services Shellfish Program
2020-RES-041 Approving Extensions for Genting Financing Documents and other related matters
2020-RES-042 Approval Of Proposal from Dentons for COVID-19 Related Services
2020-RES-043 Approval of Proposal from Ocotillo Law and Policy Partners for Legal Services
2020-RES-047 Approval Of Sullivan Insurance Renewal and Supporting Applications
2020-RES-051 US Department of Education, Office Of Elementary And Secondary Education
2020-RES-053 US Department Of The Interior, Bureau Of Indian Affairs
2020-RES-055 Letter of Support for Joe Biden Kamala Harris campaig 2020
2020-RES-066 Approval of Lease and Lease Addendums for Wampanoag Village Tenants
2020-RES-068 Emergency Resolution an additional advance request
2021-ORD-001 Amending the MWT Election Ordinance for the 2021 Regular Election (EMERGENCY)
2021-ORD-002 Amended and Restated Ordinance Amending the MWT Election Ordinance
2021-ORD-003 Amending the MWT Election Ordinance for the 2021 Special Election
2018-ORD-001 Amended and Restated Full Faith and Credit Ordinance
2018-ORD-005 Amendment to 2011-ORD-001 Human and Social Services Department
2018-ORD-006 Suspension or Termination of Tribal Benefits and Banishment or Exclusion
2018-ORD-011 Amendment to 2018-ORD-008 MWT Law and Order Ordinance
2018-ORD-013 Amended and Restated Child and Family Ordinance
Executive Branch of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Chief | Medicine Man | Chairman | Vice Chairman | Secretary | Treasurer | (7) Councilors at Large
Judicial Branch of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Chief Judge | Tribal court staff
Committees, Commissions & Letter of Interest Form
Community Development Corporation
Councilman Nelson Andrews, Jr.
(Co-Shareholder Representatives)
Meetings Held Tuesdays | 5:30-7:30p.m.
Education Committee
Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks Jr.
Councilman Nelson Andrews Jr.
Elders Committee
Vice Chairman Hendricks Jr.
Meetings Held Saturdays
Election Committee
Councilman Domingo Tiexeira
Enrollment Committee
Meetings Held Tuesdays
Ethics Committee
Elders Judiciary
Councilwoman Johnson-Graham
Meetings Held Fridays
Councilman David Weeden
Councilman Tiexeira
Meetings Held 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Councilwoman Johnson-Graham
Land Use Committee
Councilman David Weeden
Councilwoman Winona Pocknett
Councilman David Weeden
Natural Resources Commission
Vice Chairman Hendricks
Meetings Held 6:30p.m. at the R&G Club
Old Indian Cemetery Commission
Old Indian Meeting House
Councilwoman Roxanne Mills Brown
Powwow Committee
Councilman David Weeden
Councilwoman Roxanne Mills Brown
Public Safety
Councilwoman Winona Pocknett
Treasurer Charles Foster
Councilman Domingo Tiexeira
Tribal Broadband Taskforce
Councilman David Weeden
Tribal Health
(To include TCC)
Councilman Domingo Tiexeira
Tribal Historic Preservation
Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks Jr.
Wampanoag Language
Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer
Youth Advisory
Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer
Youth Council
Councilman Nelson Andrews Jr.
Youth Cultural
Councilman David Weeden
Interested in joining a committee or commission? Please complete the Letter of Interest from and submit it to Secretary Landry for Tribal Council’s consideration.
Misc Forms and Eagle Feather Orders
Ordering Eagle Parts and Feathers from the National Eagle Repository
W-9 Tax Forms
Verification of Indian Preference for Employment
103rd Annual Powwow Pictures
To view the full photo gallery from the 103rd Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow please click here. If you would like a high resolution copy of specific photos, please contact