Press Releases — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Press  Releases


Tribe and Taunton Seek Support for the “Good Fight” with Bluhm Gone

 Mashpee, MA (September 13, 2019)  On Thursday, September 12, 2019, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (Commission), by a vote of 3-1 issued their second public rejection of the project proposed by Massachusetts Gaming and Entertainment (MG&E), and its chairman Neil Bluhm.  MG&E, a subsidiary of Bluhm’s Rush Street Gaming, had previously proposed a $677 million resort casino at the Brockton Fairgrounds, but was soundly rejected by the Commission in 2016 by a vote of 4-1.  The Commission’s vote on Thursday effectively doubled down on its prior rejection of Bluhm’s proposal by dismissing MG&E’s demand for an automatic casino license contrary to existing law.  The Commission confirmed that it had the authority to reconsider Bluhm’s project, but made it clear there are not “sufficient grounds” to grant any such reconsideration for Bluhm.  In response to his second public rejection, Bluhm erupted to proclaim he was walking away from Brockton.  “I can’t hang around.  I’ve been doing this for more than five years”, spouted Bluhm.

Chairman Cedric Cromwell of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, who was quick to point out the irony in Bluhm’s frustration, states “With two flat out rejections of Neil Bluhm by the Commission the reality is pretty clear that Bluhm has not been honest with the people of Brockton and has no real ties to our Commonwealth.  Steve Crosby, the former Chairman of the Commission had it right back in 2016 when he said Bluhm’s proposal for a casino in a school parking lot had “a downside of actually undercutting economic development rather than lifting economic development.”  

“From the moment Bluhm arrived in Massachusetts he has done nothing but subject Southeastern Massachusetts to constant delay preventing Region C from benefitting from the economic and job creation that the Tribe’s reservation in Taunton would otherwise already be bringing to the area”, added Chairman Cromwell.