March Mittark

New Officers Elected to Serve on Tribal Council

579 ballots were cast in the 2025 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe General Election on Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The results brought a mix of both incumbents and new members to the Tribal Council.

The full election results are as follows:

Fenton N Soliz - 370
Aaron Tobey - 196
Write in’s - 4

Council Member
Donald Peters - 236
David Weeden (i) - 300
Write in’s – 28

Congratulations Chairman Weeden, Vice Chairwoman Johnson-Graham, Secretary Landry, Treasurer Soliz, and Councilman Weeden. Your continued dedication and service to this community is appreciated.

Brian Weeden (i) - 315
Nelson Andrews Jr. - 254
Write in’s - 3

Vice Chair
Edwina “Winnie” Johnson-Graham - 277 Robyn Tobey - 44
Carlton Hendricks Jr. (i) - 241
Write in’s - 5

Talia Landry - 222
Michelle “Shellie” Tobey - 191
Cassie Jackson (i) – 159


Suzette Peters Mattis Appointed to Tribal Council

On February 12th, 2025 during a Tribal Council Meeting, Suzette Peters Mattis was appointed to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council.

A seat was left vacant after the 2025 General Election where councilwoman Graham was elected to serve as Vice Chairwoman of the Tribe. Given this vacancy, the Tribal Council acknowledged the requirement to fill the vacancy for the Tribal Council seat pursuant to Article VIII Section(4)(a)(1) of the Constitution.

Tribal Council appointed the candidate that received the second highest number of votes next to the person who vacated the office. Suzette Peters Mattis received 171 votes in the 2023 General Election and has been appointed to serve as a council member on the Tribal Council. Congratulations Councilwoman Mattis and thank you for your service to this community.              


Wunee Keesuq Tribal Family,
I wanted to inform you all about the resignation of Councilman Nelson Andrews Jr. from Tribal Council effective immediately. Councilman Andrews informed the Tribal Council today of his resignation, stating that “Due to conflicts of interest within the regulations and guidelines of my current position with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), I am not permitted to continue serving on the Tribal Council and must resign immediately.” I want to thank Councilman Andrews for his time served and wish him well in his future endeavors.

Given that this is now the second vacancy of the 2025 calendar year, the Tribal Council will facilitate the filling of the vacancy pursuant to Article VIII Section(4)(a)(2) of the Constitution. This allows for Tribal Members to submit nominations and cast a vote to select who will fill this vacancy.

Chairman Weeden


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List of Committee and Board Seat Openings