New Normal: Tribe to Reopen Facilities on June 7

The MWT Resilient Comeback Re-entry Plan has been established through the MWT Emergency Management Department in a phased approach.  The next Phase 4 (new normal) is now possible as the county positivity rate has been under 2.5% for over a 14 day period. 

In an effort to keep our tribal community safe the following protocols are in place to continue in protecting the health and welfare of everyone. 

For those fully vaccinated (two weeks following second vaccination) please bring your vaccination card to present to security, masks must be worn while in Community and Government Center. 

Please call the department you need to meet with for services ahead of time and schedule time for an appointment so that appropriate capacity and staggering levels can be met.

The capacity of the Community and Government Center may need to be regulated to support the amount of individuals inside once we re-open in Phase 4.  Please be patient as we work through the planning efforts to accommodate.  Security may ask that you wait outside at times and will call you when you can come in.

Starting June 7th Tribal ID’s will be available on Monday’s and Friday’s so that we can reduce the foot traffic during regular business hours.

With the potential for the continued reduction of the covid positivity rate over the 14 days following the start of Phase 3, the planning is for Phase 4 (New Normal) to begin on Monday June 7th 2021.  Please see appendices below for Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the re-entry guidelines which outlines the various descriptions of services, also below are the re-entry guidelines and covid update.