March Mittark
Election Results: Three New Members and Three Incumbents Elected
The Mashpee Wampanoag General Election took place on Sunday, February 12th. Nelson Andrews Jr., Domingo Tiexeira, and Rita Gonsalves were reelected to Tribal Council. Nitana Hicks Greendeer, Roxanne Mills Brown, and Winona Pocknett were elected as new Tribal Council members. 433 ballots were cast in the election, with the votes being dispersed as follows:
Nelson Andrews, Jr. - 298
Domingo Tiexeira - 285
Rita Pocknett Gonsalves - 270
Nitana Hicks Greendeer - 258
Roxanne Mills Brown - 228
Winona Pocknett - 192
Edwina Johnson-Graham - 185
Suzette Peters Mattis - 171
Edward Avant - 168
Cecilia Martinez - 124
Steven Bingham, Jr. - 93
Tribe Wins Historic Land Suit

Judge Angel Kelley has ruled against the Littlefield’s of Taunton who sued the federal government in an effort to prevent the tribe from building a casino in Taunton. The judge’s decision in U.S. District on Friday, February 10th granted summary judgment to the U.S. Department of the Interior, which had placed 321 acres of land in Mashpee and Taunton into trust.

I was researching my archives and found this older story of the Samual G. Davis School. It’s an article written by a student and published in the school newspaper titled Mashpee ‘Tom-Tom in February of 1953. Many are aware of the fund created but there are other parts of the story that I thought should be shared with tribal members and the community. I hope this story brings a good smile and lots of love.
By Aunt Joan Avant Tavares
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
The St. David’s Islanders & Native Community’s biannual powwow will take place Saturday and Sunday, June 10th & 11th, 2023 at the St. David’s County Cricket Field, Lords, starting at 2 PM and 3 PM respectively. This will be their first gathering in five years, and this year’s powwow will honor loved ones and ancestors.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Rod and Gun Club is hosting a Game Dinner to honor the memory of Winona Hendricks and her contributions to the club. The dinner will be held on Saturday, March 11th, from 1-5 PM. Plates are $25. All are welcome to attend.
As part of the periodic reevaluation of archeological holdings in the Cape Cod National Seashore, the National Park Service will provide educational opportunities with artifacts for tribal elders, tribal Americorps youth, Falmouth High School Americorps-sponsored Project Pathways youth, K-3 students in WLRP, and anyone else interested.
The ICWA Department at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is looking for individuals who would like to train to become Qualified Expert Witnesses (QEW’s).
A QEW is a person who, by the ICWA law, will attend State Court Hearings in cases where a tribal child is removed from their parents or guardians by the Department of Children and Families because of an allegation of physical abuse or neglect.
The Education Department completed its Ribbon Skirt class taught by Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer. Classes began in November and concluded last month. Tribal girls were given materials and tools to design and create their own skirts to keep.
Reimagining New England Histories: Historical Injustice, Sovereignty, and Freedom project is a public humanities project. The project is looking for contributors to create a collection based around Indigenous, African American, and Afro-Indigenous life and perspectives in New England.
It is currently scholarship season and many of these scholarships have deadlines quickly approaching for the 23-24 school year. Scholarship opportunities are posted on the Education Department’s website page as well as on their Facebook.
The Education Department is taking tribal students on tours of various Tribal colleges in the Southwest. The trip will take place from April 17th – April 22nd. This opportunity is open to all Native American High School Junior and Senior students.
One of TERO’s new certified business this year is our own Mashpee Wampanoag, Chef John Marcellino. Chef John operates the Station Grill in Falmouth and hopes to bring his Native American cuisine to many Tribal functions.
The Annual Election will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at the Quashnet School. Nomination Papers must be submitted to the Board of Registrars on or before 5:00 P.M. on March 17, 2023. Any questions please call the Town Clerk’s Office at 508-539-1418.
Tribal Directors Nelson Andrews Jr. and Shellie Tobey were recognized for their hard work and leadership at the United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) Conference last month. Shellie was appointed as the Chairwoman for the USET Housing Committee, and Nelson was appointed as the Chairman for the USET Homeland Security and Emergency Services Committee.
Tribal members have been working alongside the Theatre Royale in Plymouth, England to create a play highlighting Wampanoag history from Wampanoag voices. The piece, entitled “We Are the Land” is a drama with singing, dancing, drumming, and testimony that covers history from pre-contact, through colonization and Christianization, into the Woodlot riots and the tribe’s fight for land rights.
Charles “Bobby” Foster was sworn in as the Tribal Treasurer on February 1st in an emergency Tribal Council meeting. Bobby has over 18 years of experience in tribal government and operations. He’s served three terms on Tribal Council, six years as the Tribes Asset Manager and now holds the position as Tribal Council and Gaming Authority Treasurer.
The TERO department is offering OSHA 10 Training. If you are a registered TERO client and do not have an OSHA 10 card, or need another OSHA 10, please contact the TERO office. Training is scheduled for the months of March and April, and space is limited. Those who are interested are asked to contact the office ASAP to get scheduled.
The Education Department is looking for 2-4 tribal youth to become a Herring Ambassador. This program, offered through the Bioneers and facilitated through the Education Department, will give youth the knowledge, resources, and more to accomplish the task of solidifying Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Right of Nature to protect the herring.
The Weetumuw School social has been rescheduled to March 24th from 5 PM to 9 PM at the Community and Government Center. The social will feature drumming and dancing as well as a potluck, raffle, and soup contest. The social is hosted by the Weetumuw Parent Committee and proceeds will support fundraising for school activities.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Public Health AmeriCorps Program proposes to have 6 AmeriCorps members who will focus on the CNCS focus area of Disaster Services in the Public Health arena within the 5-County Contract Health Service Delivery Area of Barnstable, Bristol, Norfolk, Plymouth and Suffolk Counties.
All meetings are held at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center. 483 Great Neck Road South. Mashpee, MA 02649
On February 8th, 2023, Yvonne Avant served for the final time as Councilwoman for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Councilwoman Avant has diligently served our tribal community for over 33 years since her election in 1989.
Deer Clan Mother Joan Avant was awarded the Education Specialist Degree offered by UMass Amherst’s College of Education. An Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree, is an advanced terminal degree in the U.S. that is designed for individuals who wish to develop advanced knowledge and theory beyond the master's degree level, but may not wish to pursue a degree at the doctoral level.
The Elders monthly meetings take place on the first Saturday of the month. Meetings run from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Community and Government Center in the Council Chambers. All tribal Elders (55+) are welcome to attend.
On Saturday, May 6 there will be a ceremony to raise a new chief at the sacred circle at 55 acres. All tribal citizens are welcome as those who have agreed to be considered for the chief role will stand to be supported by those in attendance. There will be a sunrise ceremony followed by the chief raising ceremony from 10 am to noon followed by a community feast.
Our Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow Princess Amiyah Peters made history last month by becoming Mashpee High School’s all-time leading scorer. Amiyah broke the scoring mark of 1,440 points that was formerly set by Devaun Ford. Amiyah also won the Cape Cod Times Player of the Week two separate times this season.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee to help support all youth activities and functions in our Tribe. If you are interested in helping our young citizens please send a letter of interest to Tribal Council Secretary AnnMarie Askew at AnnMarie.Askew@mwtribe-nsn.gov or contact Co-Liaison Councilwoman Winnie Johnson-Graham at Edwina.graham@mwtribe-nsn.gov or at (508) 645-8365.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2year term to plan the 99th and 100th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested please send a letter of interest to Tribal Council Secretary Ann Marie Askew AnnMarie.Askew@mwtribe-nsn.gov or for more information contact Co-Liaison Councilman Brian Weeden at (774)413-0520.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has an open seat on its Enrollment Committee. One of the most important responsibilities of the Enrollment Committee is to review enrollment applications. Please visit the Tribal website at https://mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/enrollment to review the Enrollment Ordinance.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has two open seats on its Housing Commission. The Housing Commission is tasked with policy-level goals, determinations and policy review that guide the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Housing Department.