Scholarship Opportunities for Students — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Scholarship Opportunities for Students

It is currently scholarship season and many of these scholarships have deadlines quickly approaching for the 23-24 school year. Scholarship opportunities are posted on the Education Department’s website page as well as on their Facebook. Some of which include:

Scholarship Program 

The Cape Cod Foundation has over 90 different scholarship opportunities, each with its own unique criteria, available to students in all stages of their educational journeys, including high school seniors, college students, and adults returning to college to pursue a degree or certificate! Most of these scholarships are available through the universal application, which automatically pairs eligible students to opportunities, so they don’t miss any. 

Our partners, the Cape Cod Association, also offer heritage-based scholarships for graduating high school seniors that were born on the Cape or Islands. The deadline for most scholarships through The Cape Cod Foundation and Cape Cod Association is April 1 at 11:59pm. 

Below are some links to helpful information. If you’d like to share any of our recent posts about scholarships, here is a link to our Facebook page

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