Cultural Nights at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center will continue through June. Cultural Nights usually have a different cultural theme (Cornhusk Doll making, Wampanoag storytelling, quahog stuffer making, etc.) including MC, singing and dancing. The themes are typically announced on the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Education Department Facebook page.
Language and Education Departments Partner to Train new MWT Daycare Staff
The Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project (WLRP) is excited to announce the January 7 start date of three new classroom assistant trainees who will be supporting and learning from our Weetumuw School teaching team. Sharman Brown, Danna Floyd and Brian Weeden were selected from among a fantastic applicant pool to train with WLRP in order to prepare to help open the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department’s first ever daycare facility next fall.
Tribe to Host Mashpee Falcons Varsity Basketball Games
For the third year in a row the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe will host a Mashpee High School Varsity Boys and Varsity Girls Basketball Game. The two games will be played on Thursday, February 13 at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center.
The girls varsity game will be played first with tip off at 5:30 PM and the boys game will immediately follow at 7:00 PM.
Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Health Services Seeking Practical Nurse
Title: Practical Nurse GS-620-06
Location: Mashpee, MA
This announcement is being announced under MPP/ESEP and DHA Authorities at
MPP/ESEP Announcement number: 10596267
DHA number: 10596269
Changes are Coming to the Wampanoag Museum
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Historic Preservation Department a unique grant to support the installation of a new exhibit at the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum. The new exhibit will replace the whaling exhibit and will focus on the history of the Wampanoag Nation prior to and post European colonization.
Mashpee Wampanoag Child and Family Services to Host Info Session on February 22
The Child & Family Service (CFS) department is open for business, we have a staff of 3 members. Can you imagine a place in our tribe where people of all ages, incomes, and abilities are welcome to develop helpful and caring connections with each other? A place where skilled and thoughtful professionals along with Elders, Tribal Leaders, Medicine folks, and Clan Mothers help parents, children, and families find emotional support, financial support and practical assistance to succeed in life? A place that offers sensible solutions to families seeking health, safety, educational, and employment services? That is exactly what we are hoping to develop through the CFS department.
Tribal Outreach Person Needed for US Census
Census Workers Needed
The United States Census Bureau is in need of people to fill a variety of positions in Bristol, Barnstable, Plymouth, Dukes and Nantucket County. Currently they are searching for individuals for the following positions: Field Supervisor, Office Supervisor, Field Operations and Office Clerk. All of these positions pay over $20 per hour. Also, they are in specific need for people on Cape Cod.
Census 2020: Why and How to be Counted as a Native American
The 2020 U.S. census will be going out very soon. The government determines how to distribute more than $600 billion of federal dollars to programs, grants and Native American tribes through the data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau. Filling out the form truthfully and accurately remains one of the best ways to ensure the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe receives the correct amount of federal funding for community programs and services.
Housing Department Seeking Bids from Qualified Contractors
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Housing Department is seeking bids from qualified contractors to provide residential rehabilitation for each of the following locations:
Mashpee, MA (Site #1) – The due date for this project is Friday, February 13, 2020 by 4PM and must be submitted to the Mashpee Wampanoag Government Center, Housing Department, 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649.
Hyannis, MA -The due date for this project is Friday, February 14, 2020 by 4PM and must be submitted to the Mashpee Wampanoag Government Center, Housing Department, 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649.
Town of Mashpee Historic District Committee Vacancy
There is a vacancy on the town of Mashpee Historic District Committee. The vacant seat will be filled by a tribal representative that is appointed by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council. To qualify, you must be a citizen of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and a resident of the town of Mashpee. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a letter of interest to Francie Dottin, executive administrative assistant to the chairman, at or mail to 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649.
Agreement allows local students to transfer to New Mexico Institute
For several years the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Education Department have been increasing tribal students’ access to the Native Colleges in the New Mexico region, a goal of the Tribe’s Education Director Roxanne Mills Brown. Native students have attended college visits, received application support and financial assistance through the Education Department Career Pathways program that is funded in part by the NYCP Building Pathways for Tribal Youth Grant.
Tribe to Provide Free Transportation to Mobile Market
Elder Abuse in Indian Country
Every month we will be looking at Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Laws that address victimization. In the Tribal Community Laws 2018, Section 1, Chapter 4, Section 4.7 addresses Elder or Vulnerable Adult Abuse. It is a misdemeanor offense for a person to commit the crime of Elder or Vulnerable Adult Abuse under this Section 4.7 if the person has the responsibility for care or custody of an elder or a dependent adult, and the negligent exercise of that responsibility results in deprivation of services necessary to maintain minimum physical, medical, and mental health to a degree of care below that which a reasonable person in like position would exercise. A third conviction of Elder or Vulnerable Adult Abuse under this Section 4.7 is a felony.
Mashpee Enterprise Names AJ Govoni Mashpee High School's Athlete Of The Week For January 10, 2020
AJ Govoni’s track season started late this year because he was out for two weeks with an illness. He made up for lost time in his first meet of the year by qualifying for the MIAA All-States in his first attempt. Govoni took first place with a jump of 19 feet and two inches on January 7. To coach Mark Doucette, it’s no surprise, because Govoni, who also plays football, showed a lot of promise as a freshman. “He works hard in practice, listens and wants to get better every time on the track,” the coach said.
Parents of School-Age Kids – Please Call Education Department to Ensure Your Child is Counted
Native Youth Community Project for College and Career Readiness
The Tribe’s Education Department currently operates a Native Youth Community Project, for College & Career Readiness funded by a US Department of Education Demonstration Grant, which serves youth, grades 7-12, in the 5 Counties of Bristol, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Barnstable, which includes Mashpee. The grant, in its last year, offers paid Internship opportunities, group college and career exploration, Individual parent/child college visits, and college entrance preparation/tutoring. Contact Cameron Greendeer at (508) 477-0208 Ext. 178.
Academic Assistance at Education Department
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Indian Education Department is providing broad academic support to tribal students. Is your child struggling with reading, math or is simply struggling to maintain interest in school or is impacting their self-esteem? Are you all too familiar with MCAS scores that are “Not Meeting Your Expectations?”
Legal Clinics Held Thursdays Through April
UMass Law has sponsored a free legal services clinic for tribal members. The legal clinic is held each Thursday in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court located at 483 Great Neck Road South from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The clinic is designed to provide free legal assistance with civil legal issues, including family law, landlord-tenant law, and government benefits law in addition to other legal issues.
Cape Cod Community College Offering Free “Offshore Wind 101” Course
Cape Cod Community College has launched a free, non-credit, college course that will address local career opportunities, and technology basics related to offshore wind. The course, “Offshore Wind 101: Energy, Climate and Jobs,” is offered through the College’s Center for Corporate and Professional Education. Learn about how you can break into this emerging career path. For more information, please contact Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Employment and Training Program Manager Marnell Cash at (508) 477-0208 ext 161 or at