Upcoming Theatre Royal Workshops and Rehearsal Schedules

Upcoming Theatre Royal Workshops and Rehearsal Schedules

Last year UK’s largest regional producing theatre, Theatre Royal Plymouth, along with the Wampanoag Advisory Committee headed by Linda Coombs and Kitty Hendricks, brought the concept of a major production to explore and acknowledge the strength and power of the Wampanoag Nation. Since then community sessions have been held in the US and the UK and the result is a script that has been completed and rehearsal dates that have been set. This is a major step forward in a piece of art that will better inform the world in the history of the Wampanaog Nation.

2020 Young Historian Essay Contest

2020 Young Historian Essay Contest

The New England Historic Genealogical Society have sponsored a unique essay contest for students enrolled in grades 5-12. A total of six winners from two categories (grades 5-8 and grades 9-12) will receive $500 and be invited to present part of their essay at a special event in Boston.

The 2020 American Ancestors Young Historians Essay Contest asks students to explore how this 400-year-old history relates to our national, familial, and/or personal stories and identities.

Tribal Students are asked to select one of the following questions to explore in their essay.

  • How is the story of the Mayflower still relevant today?

  • What does your tribal history mean to you?

Submissions are due June 10, 2020 and may be submitted online at mayflower.americanancestors.org/essay-contest.

Committee Involvement Benefits the Tribe

Each month vacant committee seats are posted. Volunteering on a Commission or a Committee is an important part of being involved and helping the tribal community. Everyone needs to be involved.

Currently there are open seats on the following commissions and committees.

  • 2 Open Seats on the Housing Commission

  • Open Seats on Enrollment Committee

  • Open Seats on the Powwow Committee

  • 2 Open Seats on the Community Development Corporation

To serve, send your letter of interest to Francie Dottin, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Chairman, at Francie.Dottin@mwtribe-NSN.gov or mail to 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649

Independent College Visit Program

Attention Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Members! The NYCP staff has a Independent College Visit program for your HS student. The NYCP can cover or reimburse up to $900 for your college visit. This includes airfare, rental car or mileage, hotel and meal per-Diem for student and a Parent/Guardian. This must be an official visit with proper documents. For more Information please Contact NYCP Manager, Cameron Greendeer at (508) 477-0208 ext 178 or Cameron.Greendeer@mwtribe-nsn.gov.

Application now being accepted for Tribe’s AmeriCorps Program

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe AmeriCorps Program is now recruiting for the 2020 program year.  AmeriCorps provides you with valuable life experience and skill development while you serve on a team with fellow 18-24 year olds, earn money for college, and help your Tribal community while receiving a weekly pay stipend!  You will perform direct, hands-on service in the areas of natural and other disasters and environmental stewardship. You’ll also undergo various intensive trainings at the beginning of your service which includes travel to Alabama to prepare you for the adventure ahead and to learn new skillsets along the way. Learn and grow with a team of your peers and build lasting connections!