Tribe Sets Phased Approach to Re-Entry

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The Mashpee Wampanoag Emergency Management Department released a phased re-entry plan on March 30. The entire plan is posted on the Tribe’s website under the Emergency Management Department.

The MWT Phased Return to Re-entry Guidelines provides a safe, measured process for returning toward new normalcy in phases. The plan is based on all phases on continued prevention principles and daily surveillance of the health-indicators impacting the Community.

Emergency Management Director Nelson Andrews Jr. emphasized that the plan is a living document with potential evolving phases that are subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines and COVID-19 case trends, community positive percentage rates and vaccination percentages.

The plan provides details and graphics that illustrate how MWT employees will return to working at tribal facilities in phases. Each phase is defined by the preventative actions taken to limit the spread of Covid-19.