On September 2, 1956, Supreme Sachem Leroy Perry officially responded to the persuasion of the Mashpee Wampanoag to appoint a new chief. Below is an excerpt of that letter.
Treasury Rental Assistance Available
Powwow Committee Seeks Members
The Powwow Committee is currently looking to fill open seats as they begin planning for the 2023 Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow. All tribal members who are interested are asked to please send a letter of interest to Tribal Council Secretary Cassie Jackson at cassie.jackson@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
Three Sisters Market November 20th
Youth Sobriety Powwow Returned Last Month
Tribe Purchases La Plaza Del Sol with Grant Funding
Tribal council finalized the sale of the La Plaza Del Sol at 72 Main St. in Mashpee on October 31. With the sale complete, the Tribe can now look ahead to meeting urgent housing needs. To support this, Tribal Council also approved a new position of Shelter Manager that will help tribal members that live in the new housing.
Wampanoag Nation Social on November 5th
WLRP Offers Fall and Winter Classes
Ribbon Skirt Making Class Tuesday Evenings
Meagen R. Hendricks Inducted Into NAWIC
Update from Gaming Authority: Economic Development in Taunton
On October 24, in coordination with TERO, the Gaming Authority is advertising two RFPs - one is for the Owner's Rep and a second for Construction Management. The two RFPs continue the Tribe on a path of growth, progression, and opportunity while revitalizing the economic future for the City of Taunton and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Census Workers Needed: Help Ensure Our Tribe is Counted
Annual Budget Approved on October 9: Tribal Council Now Looks to 2023
Upcoming Powwow's
National Day of Mourning
Home Energy Assistance Available
Free Legal Clinics in November
Mashpee Represents on Indigenous Peoples Day
Mashpee Wampanoag tribal members represented our community at various Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations last month. While the holiday is still not official in the commonwealth, many local towns have chosen to adopt Indigenous People’s Day and host events to celebrate Indigenous people and their resilience.