October 2018 Mittark — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

October 2018 Mittark


Recognize the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

The federal government’s history in terms of its treatment of Indian tribes is replete with betrayals, deceptions, even genocide of the indigenous peoples who inhabited this continent long before European colonists decided they would claim it as their own.

Earlier this month, the Trump administration continued to build on this litany of injustice by essentially revoking the official recognition of land taken in trust for the Mashpee Wampanoag that had been granted by the Obama administration two years ago. It is now incumbent on federal lawmakers to do right by the tribe and re-grant them the ability to have their lands held in trust.

The U.S. Interior Department issued a ruling in connection with a 2016 case brought by a group of residents in Taunton who own property bordering land on which the tribe hopes to build a casino. The neighbors argued that the tribe was not under federal jurisdiction in 1934, the year the Indian Reorganization Act was passed. As such, the Mashpee Wampanoag did not qualify as “Indian” under the federal definition of the term. A federal judge agreed, and for the past two years, the Interior Department has mulled whether the commonwealth of Massachusetts had essentially served as a surrogate for the federal government in terms of oversight of the tribe during that period.

Chairman's Column


Wunee keesuq Tribal family,

For over 12,000 years we have remained a people on our ancestral homeland. In that time our people have persisted in the face of insurmountable odds. In that time we have remained here, on our land, as a people in spite of disease, war, forced cultural assimilation, racism, and continued political injustice.

It’s not in our nature to stand idly by while our rights as indigenous people on this land are attacked and an administration with oversight threatens to take regressive action that’s reminiscent of the Indian Termination policy of the 1960’s.


Mashpee Land Sovereignty Walk & Rally on Oct. 6


Support our efforts to bring awareness to the our Land Sovereignty and its critical importance to the Mashpee Wampanoag on Saturday, October 6 at 10:00 a.m. starting at Collins Lot/Community Park.

Following the walk, the rally will include a list of internationally known Indigenous Rights speakers who wish to address the supporters at the Tribe’s Powwow Grounds.

We encourage families and friends to attend this potluck gathering on the powwow grounds during the Rally!


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