Ethics Commission Establishment

Pursuant to 2024-ORD-001 Code of Ethics Ordinance, Chapter 2. Ethics Commission; Section 1. Establishment of the Ethics Commission; (a) Within six (6) months of passing the ordinance, the Tribal Council shall establish the Ethics Commission, an agency of the Tribe, that is empowered to effectively and fairly enforce the laws it administers. 

US Supreme Court Upholds Tribal Lands

Today we celebrate a legal and moral victory that brings to our Tribe justice that has been very long overdue.  The United States Supreme Court announced that it would not hear the appeal requested by a small group of Taunton residents who have challenged our right to our Reservation for nearly a decade.  With this final legal victory, we secure the future for the generations who come after us, and we honor our ancestors who continued the fight to have ancestral land returned to us.  With this victory, we will be able to fully exercise our sovereignty to provide for our people and to preserve our culture and traditions. 

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and Vineyard Offshore Forge Historic Tribal Benefit Agreement

The federally recognized Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has entered into a historic agreement with Vineyard Offshore, a nation-leading offshore wind company.  Aimed at fostering a comprehensive, long-term relationship, this agreement reflects Vineyard Offshore’s commitment to close collaboration with Tribal Nations to ensure coordinated development and shared benefits.