Annual Holiday Gift Card and Toy Pick-Up Saturday and Sunday

The Annual Holiday Gift Card and Parent Toy Pick-up opens on Saturday, December 16, with Stop & Shop gift card pick-up from 9:00 AM to Noon at the Tribe’s Community and Government Center. Starting at 1:00 PM and continuing through 6:00 PM, tribal citizens may pick up both toys and a Stop & Shop gift card. The annual event will continue on Sunday, December 17, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, when parents may continue to pick up both toys and a Stop & Shop gift card.

Applications Now Open for Transitional Housing and Shelter Program

Mashpee Wampanoag Transitional Housing and Shelter Program is now accepting applications. The shelter is scheduled to open by the end of December, providing shelter to Native American families at the new Plaza Del Sol at 72 Main Street in Mashpee. The program is now accepting and reviewing applications. Instructions on applying along with eligibility requirements can be found here or by clicking below.

Tribe Releases Statement After Macy's Day Parade

It's unfortunate that we are not focused on the beautiful display of our culture and history at the Macy’s Day Parade but rather on the actions of an individual tribal citizen. We want to make it very clear that the Tribe takes no stance on the conflicts overseas. Our Tribal Nation remains focused on the issues we face on our ancestral homeland. While we cannot speak for an individual's actions, his actions were not a Tribal decision. Our governing tribal body, along with the other tribal citizens on the float, were not involved with his actions.