Mashpee Town Seal Redesign: Community Survey

The Town Seal Committee was established by the Board of Selectmen following the May 2019 Town Meeting upon successful petition to redesign the Mashpee Town Seal. Today's Town Seal is not reflective of Mashpee's history and is seen as a symbol reflective of the genocide of Native People. The Town Seal Committee, in order to propose an updated design that recognizes and honors the Town's history, its culture, and that which makes Mashpee unique, seeks your input.

Statement from the Election Committee

The Election Committee is disappointed by the recent ruling by the Mashpee District Court. The Election Committee is striving to implement the decision of the Mashpee Tribal Council for the election in a safe and secure manner that ensures that all tribal members have the opportunity to vote in this election. Yesterday’s ruling only causes additional confusion in an already confusing situation. The Election Committee will be filing an appeal and it hopes that the Mashpee Supreme Court will correct the error of the District Court and ensure that all members are allowed to vote in a safe and secure manner. The Election Committee strongly encourages tribal members to not discard the ballots they have received in the mail. The Committee hopes the Mashpee Supreme Court will quickly bring clarity to this election.