Mashpee Town Seal Redesign: Community Survey

The Town Seal Committee was established by the Board of Selectmen following the May 2019 Town Meeting upon successful petition to redesign the Mashpee Town Seal. Today's Town Seal is not reflective of Mashpee's history and is seen as a symbol reflective of the genocide of Native People. The Town Seal Committee, in order to propose an updated design that recognizes and honors the Town's history, its culture, and that which makes Mashpee unique, seeks your input.

Please share your opinions and play a role in guiding this historic process.  The survey is confidential, and is available to complete online by clicking on the link below.

It will remain active for a thirty day period, ending April 15, 2021. In addition, links to the survey will be shared electronically via communications and newsletters from town departments.  Print copies of the survey will be distributed via contactless service points at the Mashpee Library (Event Room pick up area), and can be printed upon request by calling the Town Manager’s office at 508-539-1401.

Submit responses by April 15, 2021

Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

David Weeden, Chair
Theresa Cook
Evan Lehrer
Kathleen Mahoney
Patricia DeBoer
Brian Weeden
Joan Avant-Tavares