After further discussion and deliberation, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council moved to rescind its recent vote of “no-confidence” in Chairman Cedric Cromwell. The council also voted to reinstate Chairman Cromwell’s fiduciary responsibilities.

The council voted unanimously 7-0 at its Wednesday, Feb. 6 meeting to rescind its previous “no-confidence” vote and also voted 7-0 to reinstate Chairman Cromwell’s financial duties as Tribal Council Chairman and President of the Tribe’s Gaming Authority.

“Now that we’ve had time to look at this more carefully, based on evidence and documents, the Tribal Council made a conscious, collective decision to reinstate the Chairman’s power back. We didn’t do this because he asked us. We did this on our own. We worked it out and we are tired of beating a dead horse,” said Tribal Council Secretary Ann Marie Askew.

“There is no evidence of any financial impropriety on the part of any tribal officer. Our ancestors are twisting in their graves over people running to the news media to try and divide us. United we stand. That’s the kind of people we are,” she added.

Chairman Cromwell said that while it was painful to see his credibility questioned, he remains committed to moving forward in an effort to protect the Tribe’s ancestral homeland with the Tribal Council’s recent vote that called on Congress to urgently pass legislation that would reaffirm the Tribe’s reservation land.

“Since our reservation has been called into question by those who are trying to use the courts to undermine our sovereign rights, as well as the subsequent decision by the Interior Department to reverse its 2015 decision to hold our land in trust, it’s been one of the most trying times for our people in recent memory. Of course it’s painful for personal attacks and innuendo to be flung in my direction, but this struggle is bigger than me or any one person. So I will continue to fight for my people as best as I know how,” Chairman Cromwell said.