In response to confidential financial information leaked to a media outlet, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Treasurer, Gordon Harris, has issued the following statement.

This leak of confidential financial information is clearly an attack on our Tribe, designed to raise suspicion with non-Tribal partners and allies and sow discord within the Tribal Citizenry. It’s difficult enough to fight for our land and combat the assaults on our sovereign rights without having to deal with leaks intended to undermine the hard work and credibility of dedicated, committed tribal servants.

The leak specifically references an audit performed of the Tribe’s 2016 financial statements, related accounting records, and internal controls in accordance with Federal requirements. The results of this audit indicated that there were financial reporting, accounting, and internal control areas that needed improvement. The "needs improvement" finding is a common outcome for audit reports at many organizations. Once notified of these audit findings, the Tribe and its management immediately developed and is implementing corrective action measures to effectively address each audit finding. Our tribal government, which retains an outside accounting firm with expertise in tribal government finances, is committed to strengthening its financial reporting, accounting, and internal control processes, with a goal of future audits being free from any findings of material weaknesses or significant deficiencies.

It is important to note that auditors found no instances of financial impropriety or findings of violations, or possible findings of violations of laws or regulations.

Lastly, in reference to a comment made about a tribal employee, we do not comment on confidential personnel matters.