WIC services returned on May 17th to the Mashpee Wampanoag Health Service Unit.
Nemasket River Trip
Last month, the Indian Education Department hosted a youth paddle down the Nemasket River. The Nemasket River, being in Middleborough, is a Wampanoag Traditional waterway that leads into the Taunton River, and eventually reaches the Atlantic ocean.
Earl “Chiefy” Mills Jr. led the morning paddle, and participants made their way to Middleborough’s annual Herring Festival. The day continued to the Nemasket River Village Celebration. There, the Native Land Conservancy received a land donation of an ancient Wampanoag village homesite known as the Ja Mar Turkey Farm.
Inaugural Strawberry Thanksgiving
MWCDC Empowerment Workshop on June 8th and 9th
ICWA Sacred Parenting Workshops Now Registering for Fall Program
Weetumuw End of Year Celebration
Rita Pocknett-Gonsalves and Nelson Andrews Receive Unsung Hero Awards
Transportation Improvement Program
As required by the Code of Federal Regulations, 25 CFR 170.421 and 170.422, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is required to identify and publish all Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funded projects and activities that are expected to be carried out over the next four years as well as the projected costs.