June Mittark
101st Annual Pawâw to Honor the Four Direction
After the 99th Annual Pawâw was postponed due to the initial outbreak of covid-19 and the 100th Annual Pawâw was held as a traditional social, the 101st Annual Pawâw will return to Mashpee on July 1, 2, and 3. The theme for this year is “Honoring the Four Directions.”
The annual pawâw featured special events, contests, food, vendors, drumming and dancing will be held on the Pawâw Grounds at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center. Gates will open daily at 10 AM with Grand Entry at 1 PM.
Vendor applications are now available by clicking here. You may also contact Winona Pocknett at (508) 477-0208 ext 112 for additional information.

Chief Turn 100 in June: A Century of Knowledge, Love and Respect
From the Great Depression to the isolation of Covid Vernon “Chief Silent Drum” Lopez has lived through two World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Wampanoag fight for federal acknowledgement. Just weeks away from his 100th birthday the Mashpee Wampanoag Chief sat in his parlor reflecting on historic events of his life with remarkable clarity as birds attended the feeders in the garden outside his picture window. The secret to long life?
“Darned if I know,” he grinned. The humble answer is just his way.
He smoked a little, never was a drinker to excess, played, worked, and fought hard for the things he believes in. Married the love of his life and raised two children. It’s been a simple but fulfilling life, but he says there is no magic bullet for what he has achieved. He will tell you he’s just lucky.
Field Day on June 26th at Pawâw Grounds: Vice Chairman Hendricks Coordinates Day for Kids

The Vice Chairman is hosting a field day for tribal youth on June 26th on the powwow grounds. The event begins at 12pm. There will be a variety of games and activities with 1st- 4th place prizes. For more information, please contact the Vice Chairman at carlton.hendricks@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
On Saturday, June 18 the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Education Department will host the inaugural Strawberry Thanksgiving. Events will kick off at 10:00 AM with Mush8n races at Mashpee Pond with a Strawberry Thanksgiving feast from noon – 4:00 PM at the Powwow Grounds.
The CDC is partnering with Sister Sky Incorporated to host an Empowerment Workshop this upcoming June 8th and 9th from 11 am to 5 pm.
The Mashpee Wampanoag ICWA Department will once again host a series of Sacred Parenting workshops. Workshops will start on Monday, September 12 at 6 PM and continue through November 14.
The Weetumuw School is hosting an end of year potluck on June 17th. The event will take place on tribal grounds from 12-2 pm.
The Mashpee Chamber of Commerce recognized two tribal members for their tireless efforts to keep our community safe during the pandemic.
As required by the Code of Federal Regulations, 25 CFR 170.421 and 170.422, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is required to identify and publish all Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funded projects and activities that are expected to be carried out over the next four years as well as the projected costs.
The Mashpee public schools Grade 3 classes conducted field trips to the One-Room Schoolhouse and the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s Education Department and the Children’s Childcare Development Fund (CCDF) will once again host a four-week long summer program
A special commission, that includes representatives from Mashpee, Aquinnah, and Herring Pond, voted unanimously last month to recommend that the state seal and motto for Massachusetts be completely replaced.
The Education Department's April vacation camp brought 37 youth to the Cape Cod National Seashore on April 21st. They toured the visitor center, hiked to Coast Guard Beach, and climbed Doane Rock after a picnic.
Discussion between the Town of Mashpee and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe continued during a public hearing on updated shellfish rules and regulations at the Mashpee Select Board meeting on Monday, May 23.
Continuing every Wednesday night through the summer, the Clan Mothers will host a potluck at the Mashpee Pond at 5:30 PM.
Tribal members are encouraged to participate in this process and have a say in the comprehensive plan that will guide the Town of Mashpee for the next 10 years.
Tribal Member Joseph Green was recently promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant with the Barnstable Police Department.
Native high school graduates are invited to a graduation brunch on Saturday, June 11th from 10 am-12 pm. Graduates are allowed up to two guests each.
The CDC is hosting a farmers’ market on tribal grounds on June 25th from 9:30-3:00. There will be space for 100 vendors. The market is open to all tribal and non-tribal artists, crafters, and fruit and vegetable vendors. Fish and shellfish vendors must be tribal members.
Last month Tribal Council approved a third round of assistance payments for tribal members. The new round of assistance will provide $1,750 for each tribal member 18 and over and $750 for each tribal member under 18.
To be eligible for consideration, the Architect and Engineer must be capable of supplying the services as noted herein, and must also meet all other criteria outlined in this Request for Proposals.
The Native Land Conservancy is hosting a Wampanoag Homecoming Day on June 5th from 10 am-1 pm. The event will take place at 266 Bishops Hwy, Kingston MA.
The Education Department will host an Adult Education and Career Night on June 7 from 5-7 PM at the Community and Government Center. The career fair is open to the public and food will be provided.
Amelia Grace Peters Bingham (Seaweed), a Clan Mother to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, made her journey to join her Ancestors on December 20, 2021.
There will be a tribute and Celebration of Life to honor Seaweed in Mashpee at the Old Meeting House on Rt 28 on July 1, 2022, at 10:30 am.
The Old Indian Meeting House Committee is pleased to announce the events planned for 2022.
Blind Joe Amos Sunday Service – Sunday, July 17 at 11:00 a.m. at the Old Indian Meeting House. The annual service is held in partnership with the Mashpee Baptist Church and citizens of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee to help support all youth activities and functions in our Tribe. If you are interested in helping our young citizens please send a letter of interest to Tribal Council Secretary AnnMarie Askew at AnnMarie.Askew@mwtribe-nsn.gov or contact Co-Liaison Councilwoman Winnie Johnson-Graham at Edwina.graham@mwtribe-nsn.gov or at (508) 645-8365.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2year term to plan the 99th and 100th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested please send a letter of interest to Tribal Council Secretary Ann Marie Askew AnnMarie.Askew@mwtribe-nsn.gov or for more information contact Co-Liaison Councilman Brian Weeden at (774)413-0520.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has an open seat on its Enrollment Committee. One of the most important responsibilities of the Enrollment Committee is to review enrollment applications. Please visit the Tribal website at https://mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/enrollment to review the Enrollment Ordinance.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has two open seats on its Housing Commission. The Housing Commission is tasked with policy-level goals, determinations and policy review that guide the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Housing Department.