NATRI Introduces Current Native Teacher Cohort

The Native American Teacher Retention Initiative Grant (NATRI) currently supports the cohort of several Native Educators eager and dedicated to help our youth thrive academically, socially and culturally. We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce them to the community. 

Cassie Averett (San Carlos Apache) is a member of the San Carlos Apache Tribe residing in Massachusetts with her adoptive Wampanoag family. Cassie is the Co-Lead Teacher within the Primary Classroom at the Weetumuw School in Mashpee.

Melanie Shea (Mashpee Wampanoag) has been a High School History Teacher at Boston Public Schools for the last five years and she is proud to be a part of the first NATRI cohort. 

Bethany Helme (Mashpee Wampanoag) is a Paraprofessional who currently works at St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Fairhaven, MA, providing support to many students. Bethany hopes to serve all students to have the most rewarding educational experience possible. 

Jannel Carey (Mashpee Wampanoag) was born and raised in Mashpee and currently teaches 4th Grade Special Education at the Quashnet Elementary School. After many years of living in different places, she felt a calling to come back home and work with Wampanoag students. 

Sharman Brown (Mashpee Wampanoag) co-leads the Primary classroom and assists in fundraising for the Weetumuw School. She is a nationally certified Child Development Associate, and is a graduate of the Montessori Early Childhood Education Program from the North American Montessori Center. 

Alexyys Galvin (Mashpee Wampanoag) has a Master’s degree in Special Education, is a Massachusetts state certified Early Childhood teacher, and is a graduate of the Early Childhood Education program with North American Montessori Center. Lexy is a teacher in the Wushkeenune8ak Weekuw at the Weetumuw School, and works with children with different abilities in both classrooms. 

Jenaya Perry (Mashpee Wampanoag) is a former Powwow Princess who is interested in pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education and/or Elementary Education. She is currently attending UMass Global in pursuit of her degree and hopes to enter classroom spaces as a licensed teacher in the near future. 

Darion Bartibogue (Eskɨnuopitijk/Burnt Church Mi’kmaw) formerly taught in the Falmouth Public School System and is now in the Brockton Public School System, Darion works with students on social emotional learning, behavioral health, and well-being.  Most recently he has been leading an effort to give students an opportunity to practice boxing and experience the health benefits first hand. Darion loves the Cape and hopes to return to Cape schools in the future. 

If you are interested in becoming a teacher and guiding our younger generation, we would love to see our cohort grow. Please contact Program Manager Brad Lopes for any support or information at