Long-Range Transportation Plan Survey

The objective of a Long Range Transportation Plan is to develop a plan for providing transportation facilities that will enable tribal leaders to take advantage of desirable economic opportunities, protect reservation resources, strengthen cultural traditions, promote self-sufficiency and sustainable development, and enhance the use of the reservation’s land by its residents

Update Your Contact Information

Did you know There are 400+ tribal members that we do not have contact information for?

Some Grant and Funding requests cannot count them without an address. We could be losing money if we can’t count them. The U.S. 2010 Census did not include Mashpee Wampanoag as a tribe. Taking the 2020 Census has important potential to increase our funding. Additional funds came into Housing in 2017 because we updated membership numbers with HUD. U.S. 2020 Census is important for you to complete, “Shape our Future. Start Here”

Help Us Put a Face to the Name at Tribal Archives

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Historic Preservation Archives is in need of people from the past, and present to submit photos of tribal members.  What we are asking for are photos to go along with names that we already have captured in our database.  So please contact Denise Kersey, Archivist Apprentice, at 508-477-0208 ext. 196, to schedule a time that we can scan your photo.  We will only need to scan your picture and will not keep it.  The whole process will take at most 15 minutes.  Thank you in advance for helping us grow our database.

Application Available for 98th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow

Application Available for 98th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow

The Powwow Committee have posted vendor applications on the Tribe’s website. Applications for craft vendors, food vendors, and nonprofits may be downloaded online at www.mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/powwow. The Powwow Committee is also accepting applications for employment. For more details, please contact the Powwow Committee Tribal Council Liaison Brian Weeden at brian.weeden@mwtribe-nsn.gov or at (508) 477-0208 Ext. 119.

Notice for Students in Barnstable, Falmouth, Sandwich, Wareham and New Bedford Schools

If you have a student in Barnstable, Falmouth, Sandwich, Wareham or the New Bedford school system, please make sure you have completed a 506 Title VII Indian Education Student Eligibility Certification Form. It’s important that each school has an accurate count of Native students enrolled to obtain proper funding. You may obtain a copy of the form at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Indian Education Department.