Youth Council Hosts Granny Squannit Walk 

The Granny Squannit Walk returned this year thanks to the Mashpee Wampanoag Youth Council. Before the walk, children were outside on Powwow Grounds taking part in fun fall themed crafts and activities that included pumpkin carving and a hayride around the building. Once it was dark, families began the walk down 55 acres and into the sacred circle where they were greeted by Granny Squannit herself.

Elders Christmas Party Donation Request

I hope this message finds you well. Your ongoing support for our community is vital, especially as we prepare for the Christmas Party honoring our Elders.

The Mashpee Wampanoag Elders have played an essential role in preserving our community’s identity and strength. Their wisdom and sacrifices often go unrecognized, yet their impact resonate through generations, forming the backbone of our Tribe.