To provide more employment and training opportunities for Tribal members and other Native Americans and their families. To provide more business and economic opportunities for businesses owned by Tribal members or other Native Americans.
What are the Basic Requirements of TERO?
All employers operating on Tribal Lands are required to provide preference in employment and contracting to Tribal members and other Native Americans.
The following are some of the major provisions and requirements found in the Mashpee Wampanoag TERO Ordinance:
- Vendors need to submit and negotiate a detailed TERO compliance plan.
- Vendors must consider qualified Tribal members and other Native American applicants before hiring Non-Native American workers.
- Vendors must eliminate all extraneous job qualification criteria or personnel requirements which may act as a barrier to Tribal employment.
- All Vendors who have collective bargaining agreements with one or more unions must secure written agreement from their unions indicating that they will comply with TERO.
- Vendors must treat Tribal member and other Native American workers in the same manner as other employees.
How Do I Get My Company TERO Certified?
Contact the TERO Office for an Application for Certification. The general requirements are that your company is 51% owned and effectively controlled by Tribal members and has been in business for at least one year.
How Do Vendors and Job Seekers Connect?
The TERO Office maintains a list of all available and qualified Tribal Members. If you have not asked to be included on this list, please contact the TERO Office.
What if I do not have Significant Job Experience?
The TERO Office and other Tribal Departments are developing training programs to help Tribal Members apply for jobs.
How Do I Get Considered for a Job?
Contact the TERO Office. They will provide you with a simple application form and talk to you about your job experience and goals.
Who Manages TERO?
The TERO Office
Who Controls TERO?
The Tribal Council
Does TERO Provide a Fair and Competitive Bidding Process?
Yes. It provides employment or contract preference to qualified Tribal members and other Native American members and businesses on projects on the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Lands. Preference is not provided to the exclusion of other businesses and price and quality are still primary considerations.
Will TERO Interupt Daily Operations?
Compliance plans are signed by the TERO Office and the employer prior to the commencement of work, helping to prevent any interruptions.
What TERO Requirements are there in Contracting Bids?
The TERO office has a registry of companies that are owned by Tribal members or other Native Americans which have been certified as TERO compliant. Certified TERO Companies are eligible for preference if they submit a commercially responsible bid that is lower or equal to the bids of non-TERO certified companies.
What is a Compliance Plan?
A Compliance Plan is a binding agreement between the Tribe and a Vendor working on Tribal Lands. Failure to obtain or adhere the terms of an approved Compliance Plan, or supplying false information to the TERO Office can result in termination of Vendor contracts.