Honoring Words of Our Tribal Members: By Wampanoag Deer Clan Mother joan avant


In 1996, Wampanoag medicine man Slow Turtle (John Peters) stated, “From the very beginning man was made clear that, his task was to preserve the land for those to come. We speak of seven generations. Each Indian understood what his or her responsibility was to care for the land for generations to come. We all know that the earth sustains us by watching nature. The muskrat still possesses the knowledge that he had in the beginning. The Indians built their homes the same way. Today people would call such a story a legend. It may be. Legends are pictures that contain truths that the spirit itself works through nature and by reading her script we can conform our lives in harmony with the Creator” [avant-2010

1998, Len Pocknett-, “Iron Tree”, The American judicial system has failed to provide the Mashpee’s with equal treatment and application of the law under their system. From the Mashpee Wampanoag land claims to the investigation of the murder of David Hendricks,. From the continued harassment of Wampanoag hunters and fisherman to the imprisonment of the Johnson sister.”


1998-Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Chief Vernon Pocknett (Sly Fox)  “said he is up to indigenous struggles. I am a warrior. I’m not afraid to die for a good cause. We know the honest way and it’s spelled Love. {2010-avant}


Russell Peters Sr. [Fast Turtle] 1994 “We feel that our people are facing a situation that will not allow them to afford to live in Mashpee. It’s incumbent upon the tribe to look for solutions to that because as our youngsters may have their own families, they will need jobs and affordable housing.” [Interview with Cape Cod Times]. Author-The Wampanoags of Mashpee [1987] Clambake [1989].


2006, Jessie little doe baird, Voice of Wampanoag Language-“It means a lot to me to get up in the morning and thank the Creator for all that you have in the language that was given to you. You can’t imagine that feeling.”  [avant,  2010]


1982-Tribal Chief Earl Mills, Sr, (Flying Eagle) You fight even if you may not stand a chance of winning. You’ve got to gat some self-respect or you   might as well die.” (Boston Sunday Globe) avant2010.


Elder Ellen Hendricks, “She watched the relatives and friends struggle with inadequate education and poverty as their Cape Cod land was swallowed up and fenced off piece by piece by the new comers as she called them, [by David Weber-Associated Press]


Our Chief Vernon Lopez (Bunny-now 99 yrs) said in 2006 “Our freedom has been a long time coming. This supports what we been saying all along, that we are the Mashpee Wampanoag, the Federal recognition will be for our children”.


Ernestine Gray 1928-2005-“Like the lines of tree rings, lines on the quahog and welk shells reflect the movement of the tides over time and amidst men and creatures- aging harmoniously and graciously according to ‘the plan of the spirits’. [avant 2010]

Gram said, our traditions not to forget…