Turning 65 this year? Enroll in All Parts of Medicare Before It’s Too late

If you are not a patient of Indian Health Services and you are turning 65 or have parents who are turning 65, you/they will need to sign up for all parts of Medicare, including Prescription Coverage. The Medicare Outreach Worker in the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Health Services Department will be on site at the weekly Lunch and Learn Program every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. – 2 p.m. to help. You may also contact the Tribal Health Department at (508) 477-0208 ext 166 to schedule an appointment.

Remember, you do not want to face a lifetime penalty. And don’t assume that you are covered for all parts of Medicare. Enroll three months before your 65th birthday and/or three months after, or you could face a lifetime penalty.

A – Hospital
B – Medical
D – Prescription