Tribe Announces RFP for Activities Coordinator

Contracted services are needed for a “Activities Coordinator” for the Native Youth in Science – Preserving our Homelands (POH) held by the Natural Resources Department of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  POH is a summer youth environmental science camp that combines Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western conventional science concepts to teach Mashpee Wampanoag tribal middle school youth about their local environment.  The Activities Coordinator will be responsible for working with the POH staff to reinforce and support the lessons taught at the camp by tribal culture keepers, visiting environmental scientists, and other guest instructors during the camp.  POH is a day camp that will be held for three days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) for four weeks starting July 10th and concluding August 2nd.

Message from the Chairman: Town Supports Reservation Reaffirmation Act

Message from the Chairman: Town Supports Reservation Reaffirmation Act

I want to provide a brief update regarding recent actions taken by the Town of Mashpee and their unequivocal support of the Mashpee Wampanoag Reservation Reaffirmation Act and its swift passage.

At their regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen's meeting on May 21, town leaders unanimously approved support of our legislative efforts and affirmed the Inter-Governmental Agreement established in 2007.

Mashpee Wampanoag deserve a pathway to a reservation

IF FEDERAL LAW prevents the Mashpee Wampanoag from securing an Indian reservation in Massachusetts, then there’s something wrong with federal law.

Members of the tribe greeted the Pilgrims. They’ve lived continuously in Southeastern Massachusetts ever since. The federal government recognizes them as a tribe, and they have almost 3,000 members.