Tribal Court Request for Bid - Tribal Court Probation Department


The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to assist in the development, implementation, and training of a Tribal Court Probation Department. Our goal is to establish a comprehensive probation system that aligns with our cultural values while adhering to relevant legal standards.


Department Development:

Collaborate with our Chief Judge, District Court Judges, Court Administrator and Probation Officer to define the structure and functions of the Tribal Court Probation Department. Design probation policies, procedures, and guidelines that reflect our Tribal Nation's legal framework and cultural norms.

Develop case management systems to track probationer information, progress, and compliance.

Assist in the setup of physical infrastructure, technology systems, administrative processes, policy and procedures, create all needed forms for the new department. Collaborate with our legal advisors to ensure alignment with tribal and federal laws as well as any applicable tribal codes.

Employee Training:
Design and deliver comprehensive training programs for probation department staff. Cover topics such as case management, legal procedures, cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, and effective communication.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES Please submit a detailed proposal addressing the following:

Overview of your company's experience in tribal court systems, probation development, and employee training.

Proposed approach, methodology, and timeline for department development, implementation, and training.

Description of key team members who will be involved in the project.
Breakdown of costs, including fees for consulting, training materials, and any other expenses. Examples of past projects demonstrating your expertise in similar initiatives.

Selection Process:

Our selection committee will evaluate proposals based on their alignment with our needs, the proposed approach, relevant experience, and cost-effectiveness. Shortlisted vendors may be invited for an interview or presentation. We look forward to receiving your proposal and potentially collaborating on this important endeavor for our Tribal Nation.


No TERO Fee for consultants.

Bids shall be Sealed and received no later than 4:30PM on September 12th, 2023. Bids shall be submitted certified mail or hand delivered to Security Personnel to date and time stamp:

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court 483 Great Neck Road South Mashpee, MA 02649

For additional information, please contact Nancy Rose, Court Administrator at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court, 508-477-0208 Ext 190 or email to

Preference is given to Qualified Native Americans in accordance with the Native Americans Act of 1934 (Title 25 U.S.C.) unless determined to be less qualified to deliver requested timely service.