RFP for Strategic Planning: Bids Due November 5

The Tribal Education Department has initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to identify qualified consultants to guide and execute a strategic planning process with our stakeholder community to inform a 3-5 year strategic plan.

The consultant is expected to provide the following services:

  1. Provide leadership, direction and expert consultation and advice related to the development of an effective strategic plan.

  2. Provide a clear, easily-operationalized, strategic planning process.

  3. Assist in evaluating Tribal Education’s mission, vision, and value statements.

  4. Facilitate strategic planning meetings.

  5. Develop and conduct focus groups that target tribal council members, tribal education staff, tribal parents, and tribal community members.

  6. Provide deliverables that support and document the work performed throughout the process.

The desired result is a strategic plan that articulates a vision, mission, values, and strategies that will reflect Wampanoag tribal community values and guide Tribal Education through 2021 – 2026 with actionable items for 2021 - 2023.