The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council (MWTC) understands that as a result of the negative impacts of the pandemic, many Mashpee Wampanoag tribal fishermen/women were/are unable to work. And as such, the MWTC deems it necessary to provide Mashpee Wampanoag, licensed, commercial, fishermen/women assistance during this time. The MWTC approves the disbursement of $800.00 relief payments from the Cares Act tribal funds to eligible tribal members. This relief payment is to address direct or indirect fishing-related losses including subsistence, cultural, or ceremonial impacts related to COVID-19.
The payments of $800.00 to each eligible fisherman/woman will be made so long as; the CARES Act payments from the Fund are used only to cover costs that—
are/were necessary expenditures incurred by tribal fishermen/women due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus pandemic 2019 (COVID–19); and
were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020.
Of note: For tribal fishermen/women, this would mean loss of revenue due to loss of access as a result of fishing area closures, business shutdowns or reduction of hrs., social distancing mandates in order to protect you, your families and mitigate the spread of this illness, or, a direct illness related to COVID-19.
Only tribal fisherman/woman with a sellers license will meet the application qualifications. Please provide a photo copy of the sellers license along with application.
Completed applications can be dropped off in the drop box at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center on December 28th and December, 29th from 8:30Am to 4:30PM.
Applications are also available for pick up at the Community and Government Center entrance.
Application Deadline is: Tuesday, December, 29th 2020 at 5PM. (no exceptions)
For questions or any additional information, please contact - MWT Councilman Carlton Hendricks at; 774-238-1075 or