Chairman's Message: National Congress of American Indian Objects to DOI Decision


Wunee keesuq Tribal family,

I am very pleased to share that the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) issued a statement today in support of the Mashpee Wampanaog in the wake of the Department of Interior's negative decision.

The statement, is extremely powerful and reflective of precise points that are crucial facts in our history.

In part, the press release states:

"Furthermore, the Tribe presented evidence that its lands and people were included in various federal reports documenting Indian tribes at various points in history. However, the decision rejects this clear evidence of federal jurisdiction by inexplicably claiming that these federal reports – in some cases commissioned by Congress – somehow do not constitute “exercises” of federal jurisdiction. DOI also failed to mention the plenary authority exercised by the Federal Government over Indian tribes (as that term is used in the Constitution), much less applicable canons of construction, both of which should have been material factors in making this momentous decision."

NCAI is the longest standing American Indian/Alaska Native organization in the Country. To have such strong support and demand for response signals the absolute solidarity Mashpee shares with Tribal Nations across the United States of America.

Please join me in applauding and thanking NCAI for their unwavering support of the Mashpee Wampanoag.
