To anyone who has or will be taking an election packet, the Election Committee would like to inform you that there was incorrect information given out in the initial 2025 Election Packets. 

Pursuant to 2016-ORD-014, the Amended and Restated Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Election Ordinance , Sec 3 (F) : The Candidates packets and certificates of attendance shall be filed with the election committee no later than 2 p.m (ET) on the Second Sunday of January. 

Dates Set for Election of Ethics Commissioners

In accordance with 2024-ORD-001, Code of Ethics, the Tribal Council has scheduled the General Election of three (3) ethics commissioners to be held at the General Body Meeting scheduled on Sunday, April 13, 2025. At the General Body Meeting on Sunday, January 12, 2025, the Tribal Council will provide tribal members with advance notice of the April 13 General Election date and will accept nominees to the Ethics Commission.   The deadline for nominees to submit a letter of interest and reasons to be elected to the Commission will be Sunday, March 9, 2025 with a list of nominees and letters of interest to be distributed to the general tribal body via E-Blast by Friday, March 14, 2025.

477 Rise Together Program Plan for 2025: Employment and Training to Lift our Tribal Community

The 477 Rise Together Program stands as a unification of tribal services, offering vital support, employment opportunities, and training programs to eligible American Indian and Alaska Native residents within our service area.

Under the 477 Rise Together Program, federal funding from approved departments is received and amalgamated, channeling the myriad federal program funds into a singular, comprehensive 477 Fund and plan.

Request for Proposal - Mashpee Wampanoag Attaquin House

The Project Architect will also serve as the Owner's Representative. They will be responsible for providing exceptional project leadership, will seek timely guidance and direction from the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Administrator and shall report to the same on a timely basis with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office offering additional preservation and cultural guidance. The Project Architect's responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following: