Mashpee Residents Could Save Parsonage at Town Meeting

At the May town meeting in Mashpee residents will be voting on a special warrant that will provide much needed funding to restore the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s historic parsonage. The town meeting will be held on Monday, May 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Mashpee High School. You must be registered to vote in Mashpee to cast a vote in the town meeting.

The special warrant is comprised almost entirely of Community Preservation Committee requests, including $320,000 to fund the restoration of the Quashnet River; $240,510 to create a “cold water fishery” in the Upper Childs River and to restore the abandoned Garner and Farley cranberry bogs to wetlands along the river; $44,996 to fund the Mashpee Community Garden Reconstruction project; $123,500 to make improvements to Attaquin Park; and $400,000 to restore the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s parsonage.