Tribal Court: Victim Rights


Many people have heard of Victim Rights but few understand what it means for victims of crime.  A victim of crime is identified as victims and survivors of victims of homicide, rape, child abuse, domestic violence, and other serious offenses that have transformed their experiences into a vehicle for ensuring that victims of similar types of crime receive true justice, meaningful assistance, and compassionate treatment before the law.  Typically, these include the following:

  • The right to be notified of all court proceedings related to the offense.

  • The right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender

  • The right to have input of sentencing (e.g., in the form of a victim impact statement).

  • The right to information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment, and release of the offender

  • The right to an order of restitution from the convicted offender

  • The right to be notified of these rights.

OVC /Office for Victims of Crime