December 2018 Mittark — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

December 2018 Mittark

Don’t Take Our Reservation: Mashpee Wampanoag and Allies March on the Capitol

A week before Thanksgiving, members of the same tribe who helped the pilgrims survive 400 years ago stood before the nation’s Capitol Building. But instead of celebrating, they spoke out against the Trump administration’s decision to take their reservation away.

On the morning of November 14 over 200 members of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, their allies, and supporters marched from the National Museum of the American Indian to the Capitol. They sang traditional songs, chanted slogans and held signs speaking out against the Department of the Interior’s September 7 announcement revoking the trust status of 321 acres of Mashpee land.

“What we’re seeing is a direct assault and attack on Indigenous people’s sovereignty,” Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell said. “And sovereignty’s a powerful word.”


Chairman's Column


Wunee keesuq Tribal family,

We have an amazing tribal community and network of friends across Turtle Island. Over the past month our people have been turning out in droves to protect our sovereignty – participating in grassroots efforts, writing letters and informing neighbors about this injustice.


Save the Date: Education Department Open House


The Education Department will hold an Open House on Friday, January 25 at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center. The open house will start at 5:00 p.m. and is for all native students from kindergarten to college and their families. There will be plenty of information to share along with food, door prizes, raffles, drumming and much more. Please save the date on your calendar and stay tuned for additional details.

1/25/19 at 5:00 PM


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