Our Tribal Children Need You: Be a Foster Parent

Indian Child Welfare Dept. (better known as ICWA Dept.), here at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe have a great need for Emergency, short term, and long term foster care placements/homes.

We need those people who are willing and able to come forward and be recognized as people who are eager to take into their homes our precious tribal children.

When our Indian Child Welfare Dept. (ICWA) receives calls from The State (better known as DCF) concerning the removal(s) of our Tribal Children from their homes, Our Dept. must have a tribal home to place them in. If we do not have a tribal home for our children once they are removed the State will then place our tribal child/or children in a non-Tribal placement/home.

So yes, Our Tribal Children Need you! And yes there will be compensation!

                                         Good Foster Parents…

  • Are willing to open their home to a child in need and deal with the uncertainty and temporary nature of fostering a child.

  • Be at least 21 years old or older

  • Provide patience and understanding.

  • Provide a safe and supportive home.

  • Offer effective praise to children.

  • Nurture positive attitudes with biological parents.

  • Promote cultural awareness

*We also need people who are willing to be our Respite-Caregivers for our foster parents who are in need of a break from their foster parenting duties. If the thought of becoming a foster home placement is not an option for you at this time but you still wish to help in some way then, perhaps you could pitch in from time to time by becoming a Respite-caregiver. Whether it be for one hour/hours, one night, or one weekend we could use you.  And yes, there is compensation!

For more info on becoming a Foster Parent or a Respite-Caregiver contact Sonya Thornton at 774-205-4568 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Indian Child Welfare Dept. or Cecila King at (508) 524-5881