March Mittark

Youth Council Elects New Members
The Mashpee Wampanoag Youth Council reorganized its board and formally established new member roles last month. The youth nominated one another for the positions, and they were appointed as follows:
Isaiah Peters (Chairman), Storam Coombs (Chairwoman), Aiden Andrews (Vice Chairman), Amari Pocknett (Co-Treasurer), Payton Hendricks (Co-Treasurer), Kuhtahananut Pocknett (Co-Secretary), Anaquhs Dias (Co-Secretary), Grace Rossignol (Councilmember), Olive Mills (Councilmember), Char Russell (Councilmember), Ras Russell (Councilmember).
So far, the newly established Youth Council has assisted in the Mashpee Christmas Parade in preparing the tribal float, which won the Hometown Choice Award. They also recently hosted a coat collection drive at the Community and Government Center, with donations going to Lakota youth from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The Youth Council collected 38 hoodies and 23 coats to be sent out. Through their collaborative effort with the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), the Youth Council also helped raise further awareness on teen relationship abuse prevention during last month's social.
The youth are excited to continue working together in the new year to plan more events focusing on community service, fundraising, and cultural activities. If you would like to support the Youth Council, they are taking donations. Please contact Youth Council Liaison Nelson Andrews Jr. at nelson.andrewsjr@mwtribe-nsn.gov for more information on donating.
Honoring Ryan Hendricks with Annual Scholarship Fund

To remember their son, Kelley and Robbie Hendricks last year established the Ryan Michael Hendricks Scholarship Fund, which annually provides three $500 scholarships to Mashpee students, and the Ryan Michael Hendricks Foundation, which gives donations to families who have lost a loved one.
On March 5, the couple will hold the second annual Ryan Michael Hendricks “I Got You” Scholarship Dinner to benefit both. The event, which will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, at Siena Restaurant in Mashpee, will help the scholarship fund award $500 to three Mashpee students in May.

The Nurturing Fathers Support Group provides a safe and impactful space for tribal fathers to come together and open up to one another about trauma, parenting, relationships, traditional ways, and healing. Medicine Man Guy Cash has been facilitating the small group of men and has found that it can be challenging for fathers to find safe places to become vulnerable and discuss the heavy topics that weigh on their hearts or minds. According to Guy, the Nurturing Fathers Support Group helps to fill that gap and gives men a space to be seen and heard. The group acts as a network of fathers who work collectively to discuss their hardships and provide advice to one another. This connection continues outside of the group's physical meeting space. The men are encouraged to keep in touch outside meeting times as another form of support. Participants also work on personal growth and finding a better understanding of themselves.
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
The Mashpee Historical Commission is sponsoring the placement of photos of Mashpee veterans onto banners to be displayed from the light poles in Community Park, across the street from the Mashpee Town Hall. With a total of 20 light poles in the park and using two veteran banners on each side of a pole, a total of 40 veterans will be honored at a time. The banners will be displayed from approximately May through November.
The Native Land Conservancy and Natural Resources Department will be hosting an Earth Day Celebration at the Community and Government Center on Saturday, April 20th from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The event will feature exhibitors and vendors with a shared mission to protect and preserve the ancestral homelands of the Wampanoag.
The tribe has teamed up with the Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and Islands to do a Health Insurance Enrollment at the Community and Government Center once a month.
The Mashpee Conservation Department is hosting a planting event at Santuit Pond Preserve on Sunday, April 21st, at 1:00 PM. Santuit Pond Preserve is marked as an open space with multiple abandoned cranberry bogs on the property. Planting 100 Atlantic White Cedar trees in an abandoned bog system will aid in bringing back this important cultural tree species that used to thrive on the East Coast of the United States.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Wellness Court will combine the judicial oversight and powers of the Court with local wellness services. A braided services approach incorporates multiple tribal programs that work together to ensure the individual has the tools to address their substance use disorder, health issues, avoid recidivism and progress towards a healthy way of being.
The Job Opportunities tab of the tribal website is regularly updated with new employment opportunities. Open positions are listed below. For more information, please visit the Human Resources page.
TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Opportunity) will be sponsoring a TERO Recruitment Event for new members and members who need to update their information. Recruitment will occur on Monday, March 11th, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Tuesday, March 12th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
This years 103rd annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow will take place from July 5th, 6th, and 7th on powwow grounds. The Powwow Committee is still looking for volunteers who are interested in helping coordinate this year’s event.
The new website for our Education Department is now live and can be accessed at www.mashpeewampanoageducation.org . The Education Department has been working on developing a new website over the past few months with a goal of better promoting education-related events, programs, services, and opportunities to the community.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Education Department invites you to attend a Public Hearing for the Title VI Indian Education 2024 grant application on Tuesday, April 2nd from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
The Commission on Indian Affairs, Suffolk University, and UMASS Boston are hosting a community wide Mashpee Listening Session on truth processes is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 from 5:00 PM -7:00 PM via Zoom. Tribal participants are encouraged to first watch the Indigenous Truth Commission event held in April at Suffolk University Law School, as the information shared there event may be helpful in providing feedback during the upcoming listening session.
According to the Admissions and Occupancy regulations, the Housing Department will be posting the housing waitlist in the housing department beginning March 11, 2024. If an applicant requests in writing that their name and position on the waitlist to remain confidential the department will accommodate such a request.
Tribal Elders volleyball has been taking place every Thursday at the Community and Government Center. Elders’ volleyball is a fun seated activity for all elders 55+ to enjoy!
The Education Department has been up to all good things in 2024. The ARP-AIRE Grant recently started its After School Programs, Tribal Boys and Daughters of Tradition, in the Quashnet Elementary School. Tribal Boys is a “Cultural Enrichment” after school program that aims to serve boys from grades 3 – 6. The program highlights cultural values such as self-respect, respect for others, honor, protocols for ceremony; visiting with elders, fishing, and cultural field trips.
Workforce Investment Opportunities (WIOA) & Indian Health Services (IHS) are hosting a Career Opportunities in Dentistry workshop on Monday, March 18th from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at the Community and Government Center. The event will help those interested in Dentistry gain knowledge & help with the school application process.
The Education Department is now reimbursing students applying to college/universities for their application fees. The department will reimburse up to two applications per student.
Attention: parents & guardians of Indian children age 3 - grade 12!
We need your participation to receive funding for The Johnson O'Malley program launching in 2025. Please fill out the application and return to Roxanne Mills Brown at 483 Great Neck Rd. South, Mashpee, MA 02649; or email Roxanne.brown@mwtribe-nsn.gov. no, later than March 30, 2024
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Weetumuw School Committee is tasked with aiding the school's administration and periodically reviewing the schools educational, financial, and cultural goals and policies. The committee will be comprised of seven members, with each member serving a two-year term.
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee. The committee’s main purpose is to consult with, and provide input to Tribal entities and Tribal individuals who desire such consultation in order to assist them with achieving maximum coordinated benefits for Mashpee tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Old Indian Cemetery Commission will be responsible for creating the cemetery policies, procedures, rules, and regulations to help preserve and maintain the Old Indian Cemetery. The committee will be made up of nine members comprised of the following:
The Housing Commission currently has two (2) open seats to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The tribe is looking to get the Education Committee back up and running. There are currently five open seats on the committee. The committee will focus on scholarship opportunities and educational programming for tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community Development Corporation (CDC) is currently seeking qualified tribal citizens to join the CDC Board of Directors. The CDC was organized to engage in activities that will promote the social welfare, economic security and community development of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and its enrolled citizens that will enable the Tribe to be self-sufficient and to provide economic support for its tribal citizens.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2-year term to plan the 103rd and 104th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.