This survey is intended to collect information about Wampanoag students' academic paths and feelings about school-based careers. Information will be relayed to both Education Department's in Mashpee and Aquinnah. All information provided is confidential.
This was created through the Native American Teacher Retention Initiative (NATRI) in the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department, which offers financial, academic, and professional services to Native American students interested in Education. The goal of this grant is to recruit, support, and retain Native American teachers from Federally Recognized Tribes to teach PK - 12 grade levels in areas that serve Wampanoag students.
Kutâpatôtamawush (Thank you all) for your time and responses as they will help us plan as we move forward into Year Two of the grant beginning in October 2024. Please reach out to Program Manager Brad Lopes if you have any questions or need support filling the survey out. He can be reached at or via phone at 774-871-0591.