Mashpee Housing Production Plan Survey — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Mashpee Housing Production Plan Survey

The Town of Mashpee is developing an updated Housing Production Plan (HPP), a state-regulated plan focused on helping municipalities increase their supply of affordable housing for low to moderate income households. The HPP will include three required components:

Housing Needs Assessment

Housing Production Goals


This survey is primarily intended to inform the Needs Assessment, which will provide an overview of need based on demographic trends and projections, housing stock, and market trends, as well as an analysis of constraints to housing development.

 The survey is expected to take about 20 minutes, and your responses will remain anonymous. However, quotes from open response fields may be used in the report. The survey will remain open from September 19-October 13, 2023.

 If you need assistance or require a paper copy, please contact Town Planner Evan Lehrer at or by phone at 508-539-1414. Thank you!


