Oral Arguments Heard in Littlefield Land Dispute

On Friday, January 13, federal district court Judge Angel Kelley held a court proceeding in which all parties were able to present their arguments as to why the court should rule in their favor. Attorneys for the Tribe and the United States together argued that the court should uphold the Secretary of the Interior’s finding that the Mashpee Tribe was under federal jurisdiction in 1934, and that therefore the Tribe’s land should remain in trust.

Weetumuw School Winter Social on February 17th

The Weetumuw School will be hosting a winter social on February 17th at 5pm at the Community and Government Center. The social will feature drumming and dancing as well as a potluck and raffle. The social is hosted by the Weetumuw Parent Committee and proceeds will support fundraising for school activities. Contact Nitana Greendeer if you have any questions, or to donate a raffle item at ngreendeer@wlrp.org.

ICWA Seeking QEW’s

The ICWA Department at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is looking for individuals who would like to train to become Qualified Expert Witnesses (QEW’s).

A QEW is a person who, by the ICWA law, will attend State Court Hearings in cases where a tribal child is removed from their parents or guardians by the Department of Children and Families because of an allegation of physical abuse or neglect.