THPO Attends USET Sovereignty Protection Fund Impact Week

David Weeden, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, attended the United South and Eastern Tribes' (U.S.E.T.) Sovereignty Protection Fund Impact Week, which took place from February 6th-8th, 2023. The conference provided a platform for various Tribal departments to interact with Federal officials they frequently engage with. During the Cultural Heritage Committee's presentation to the USET Board, Weeden was asked to speak as an expert witness on issues related to offshore wind development.


The event also had several other agencies present, including the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (F.P.I.S.C.), N.A.G.P.R.A., Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (B.O.E.M.), and Senior Advisor Paawee Riveira to the White House Office of Inter-Governmental Affairs, and the Director of Tribal and Senior Policy Advisor for Native Affairs. They engaged in discussions around the significant issues facing tribes related to offshore wind development, including the funding mechanisms necessary to support Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs) on Offshore Wind Section 106 Compliance.


Weeden's presence and expertise on the offshore wind development issues faced by tribes were essential during the Cultural Heritage Committee's presentation. The event provided a unique opportunity for tribal representatives to interact with Federal officials and discuss their concerns regarding offshore wind development, which could have a significant impact on their cultural heritage. The engagement with F.P.I.S.C. regarding funding mechanisms is particularly noteworthy, as it indicates that tribes' concerns regarding offshore wind development are being taken seriously and steps are being taken to ensure that their cultural heritage is protected.