On Saturday, May 6 there will be a ceremony to raise a new chief at the sacred circle at 55 acres. All tribal citizens are welcome as those who have agreed to be considered for the chief role will stand to be supported by those in attendance.
Open Committee Seats
Native American Student Scholarships
Education Department Employment Opportunities
Community Healing Fire April 28th
Annual Herring Day April 18th
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers Annual Conference
Jacquelyn Quarles Awarded Doctor of Public Health
Cotuit Center for the Arts Presents Post-Modernist's Cabaret
102nd Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow – Save the Date
Mashpee Represented at NCAI
The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) held its Executive Council Winter Session from February 20th to 23rd, 2023. This annual event brought together tribal leaders, federal representatives, and representatives from sister tribes to discuss initiatives aimed at better supporting tribal nations. Councilman David Weeden represented the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe at the event.
NLC Fellowship Opportunity
NRD Installs Herring Camera at Santuit Pond
OSHA 10 Certification for Employment Opportunity
Upcoming Powwows
Punching for Ryan at Sweat Studio
Tribal Youth Needed – Remote Prevention Program
Sherry Pocknett Serves Up Foods Inspired by her Mashpee Wampanoag Upbringing
A couple years ago, chef Sherry Pocknett was driving through Charlestown, Rhode Island, after a ceremony at the Narragansett Indian Tribe reservation, looking for a gas station. She came across a small, red building at a fork in the road, surrounded mostly by woods and a few homes. A sign said the space was available for lease.
Taste of Mashpee Returns
Tribal member Anaquhsees Pocknett is hosting The Taste of Mashpee, a way for community members to come together and enjoy traditional Wampanoag foods. This event was held years prior by the Mashpee Wampanoag Youth Council and will now return on April 30th from 12 – 4 PM at the Community and Government Center.