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Tribal Council Meeting

  • Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe 483 Great Neck Road South Mashpee, MA, 02649 United States (map)

Tribal Council Meeting
Wednesday, July 14
5:30 - 8:00 PM

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center
483 Great Neck Road South
Mashpee, MA 02649

This meeting is being held virtually and will not be held in person due to the recent spread of Covid 19

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Meeting ID: 944 2282 4676
Passcode: 127036

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Meeting ID: 944 2282 4676
Passcode: 127036
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Ø  ___               Opening Prayer  Roll Call   05Mins

Ø  ___               Accept Agenda  7/14/2021  05Mins

Ø  ___               Meeting Minutes  7/7/2021  05Mins

Ø  ___               Public Comment    15Mins

Ø  ___               Committees, Commissions, Appointments     05Mins



Ø  ____             Ratifications  Tribal Council    10Mins    -Consensus/Emergency Votes                                               

Ø  ____             Special Tribal Elections Update    -Election Committee  05Mins

Ø  ____             Financial Update   Treasurer Stone   05Mins

Ø  ____             Operations Update    Vice Chairman  10Mins

Ø  ____             Tribal Council Pay    -Vice Chairman    10Mins

Ø  ____             Hazard Pay – Risk Levels   REDW   10Mins

Ø  ____             Liaison Duties   -Tribal Council   05Mins



Ø  ____             MOU-MWT/Vineyard Wind  -Councilman Weeden  20Mins

Ø  ____             Ethics Update  -Councilwoman Gonsalves   05Mins

Ø  ____             SSBI Approval     -CDC    05Mins

Ø  ____             Caregiver Expansion Approval  -Donald Peters   05Mins



Ø  ____             RGB Invoices  -Director Tobey  05Mins

Last Resolution Completed

Tabled Resolutions:
2019-RES-079 NRD Aboriginal Rights Communication Policy

Earlier Event: July 7
Tribal Council Meeting
Later Event: July 28
Tribal Council Meeting