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Tribal Council Meeting

  • Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe 483 Great Neck Road South Mashpee, MA, 02649 United States (map)

Tribal Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 12
5:30 - 8:00 PM

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center
483 Great Neck Road South
Mashpee, MA 02649

This meeting is open to tribal members to attend through zoom video conference.

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Meeting ID: 824 0786 4302
Passcode: 464836
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Topic                                                               Person(s) Responsible            Time   


Ø  ___          Opening Prayer                              Roll Call                                 05Mins

Ø  ___          Accept Agenda                               4/12/2023                             05Mins

Ø  ___      Meeting Minutes                             3/15, 3/23                05Mins           

Ø  ___          Appointments/Resignations        MWTC                                   05Mins           

Ø  ___          Public Comment                                                                              10Mins



Ø  ___          Emergency Votes/Ratifications            MWTC                         05Mins

Ø  ___         Meeting Dates                                    MWTC                                05 Mins

Ø  ___          Operations Update                          Chairman Weeden         05Mins

Ø  ___          Haz Pay Follow Up                            MWTC                                20Mins

Ø  ___          Constitution Reform                         Chairman Weeden        10Mins

Ø  ___       Approval of 2011-RES-045 Amendment     MWTC                   05Mins



Ø  ___          Council/Employee Approval             Chairman Weeden               05Mins

Ø  ___           2013-RES-033 Discussion                    Chairman Weeden             10Mins

Ø  ___           Policy & Procedure Review/Approval  TA Greendeer                    10Mins



Ø  ___               Tribal Council Issues       Chairman Weeden              10Mins  

Ø  ___               Litigation Update               Legal                                       20Mins


Last Resolution Completed

2023-RES-027 Approving Authorization of Recording Secretary in absence of Tribal Council Secretary

Tabled Resolutions:

2023-RES-017 Approval and Authorization to Condemn Building Located at Maushop Farm

Earlier Event: March 23
Emergency Tribal Council Meeting
Later Event: April 26
Emergency Tribal Council Meeting