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Emergency Tribal Council Meeting

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Meeting ID: 954 0327 9353
Passcode: 722438
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Meeting ID: 954 0327 9353
Passcode: 722438
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Opening Prayer ​

➢ 1​​Commence Meeting​​​​​​ 5 Mins

➢ 2​​Agenda​​​​​​​​5 Mins

➢ 3​​Public Comment​​​​​​ 15 Mins


➢ 4​​Options, including but not limited to enjoining the lawsuit against Cedric ​​​​Cromwell and David DeQuattro​

➢ 5​​Amending 2016-0RD-014 and resolve the questions presented by attorney Reid ​​​LeBeau regarding the upcoming election

Earlier Event: March 22
Emergency Tribal Council Meeting
Later Event: March 30
Emergency Tribal Council Meeting