Rental Subsidy
Our Mission is to provide quality housing on ancestral lands, a place appointed to us by our creator, and to encourage self-determination and economic independence class all tribal members.
Housing Application
Any misstatements or omissions in this application may result in disqualification of housing assistance. Further, if assistance is provided, you may be required to repay all program monies expended on your behalf if such misrepresentations are discovered at a later date. All questions must be answered
Our Office
483 Great Neck Road South
Mashpee, MA, 02649
United States
rental Subsidy Guidelines
1. Applicants must be a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe or a member of another Federally Recognized Tribe residing in the service area of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, which includes the following five (5) Massachusetts counties: Barnstable, Bristol, Plymouth, Norfolk, and Suffolk.
2. Applicants must meet all income and eligibility requirements of HUD and the MWTHD. The family income cannot exceed 80 percent of the median income for Plymouth/Suffolk County.
3. All household members must provide a social security card and Tribal ID (if applicable).
4. All household members 18 and over must provide current income documentation and sign a release of information form authorizing the Housing Department to speak and obtain information from any source necessary for the purpose of providing assistance.
5. Applicants returning for financial assistance will be required to meet with the Mashpee Housing Commission and participate in financial education.
6. The landlord is required to sign a W-9 before payment can be disbursed.
7. A copy of the lease must be provided to the Housing Department.
8. The maximum rental assistance available is up to $1,500; funds will only be provided for first and/or last month’s rent.
Please note: All documentation must be received within 30 days of the original intake; otherwise the application will be deemed incomplete and will be procedurally denied. If for any reason, the applicant is denied financial assistance, the applicant may appeal the Departments decision to the Board of Commissioners within ten (10) days from the date of denial.
If you commit fraud to obtain housing assistance from HUD, you could be
Evicted from your apartment or house
Required to repay all overpaid rental assistance you received
Fined up to $10,000
Imprisoned for up to five years
Prohibited from receiving further assistance
Subject to State and local government penalties