Request for Proposal - Mashpee Wampanoag Attaquin House
The Project Architect will also serve as the Owner's Representative. They will be responsible for providing exceptional project leadership, will seek timely guidance and direction from the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Administrator and shall report to the same on a timely basis with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office offering additional preservation and cultural guidance. The Project Architect's responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following:
Phase 1) Final Existing Conditions and Construction Design Drawings that incorporate engineering, structure, HVAC, and code requirements and are ready for bid; Construction Cost Estimates; identification of qualified contractors with experience working on historic buildings, review of bids, and contractor selection recommendations to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Historic Preservation Office.
Phase 2) Construction Management, Cost Tracking, Statutory, Regulatory, and Local Regulation Compliance. The Owner's Representative shall manage all activities of the Project's contractor, subcontractors, inspectors, engineers and consultants. The goal of the Owner's Representative is to ensure that the rehabilitation project for the historic building is successfully completed in accordance with the plans and to improve project delivery time, control costs, and ensure quality by keeping multiple, interrelated project components in sync, on time and within budget. A more detailed scope of work is available through the following contacts.
The Project Architect/Owner's Representative will be responsible for the rehabilitation of the Mashpee Wampanoag Parsonage, also known as the Attaquin House. Built in 1849 the Attaquin House was placed on the local "Historic Property" list in 2007, thus this project requires a unique understanding of historic preservation and the rehabilitation treatment of this period building. The owner's representative must adhere to any applicable Tribal, Federal, county or state laws applicable to the project.
Location of Project: Attaquin House 431 Main St. Mashpee, MA 02649
Bid must include:
Statement of Work: Demonstration of clear understanding of project
Team Project: Company description & resume of key team members
Representation Certification: Required if the applicant is not the owner of the company.
Prior Experience: Statement of experience in historical preservation rehabilitation
Prior Experience with Native American Tribes: List names of tribes & work completed.
No-Collision Statement
Verification of Professional Licenses if applicable
Bid Amount
Pre-bid TERO conference & walk through.
- Date: Monday, December 2, 2024
- Time: 9:00-10:00 AM
- Location: Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Government Center
Contact Information:
Tribal Council Liaison Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks: Call 508-477-0208 135 or email
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO): Call 508-477-0208 Ext 102 or email; Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO): Call 508-477-0208 Ext 175 or email
Application Process:
- Submit bids in a sealed envelope clearly marked with "Attaquin House."
- Include name, address, and contract person.
- Bids must be received by 4:30 PM December 27th, 2024.
- Delivery options: In-person drop-off or certified mail (mail date no later than Thursday December 23rd, 2024 by 4:00PM).
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe reserves the right to reject any unqualified or unreasonable bids.
Only time-stamped sealed bids will be considered; all bids will be opened following Tribal bid opening procedures on December 30th, 2024 at 10:00 AM at the Tribal Community and Government Center (Tribal Council Chambers) 483 Great Neck Rd. South, Mashpee, MA 02649.
a. All Tribal Laws apply including, but not limited to, the Tribal Building Code, Tribal Prevailing Wage, and the Tribal
Employment Rights Ordinance (T.E.R.O) as the Tribe exercises full authority and jurisdiction over the land as an independent sovereign government.
b. All T.E.R.O. regulations, process and procedures are applicable.
i All T.E.R.O. Fees are applicable at no more than 4%.
ii. Contractors must submit T.E.R.O. compliance forms prior to signing contract.
iii. T.E.R.O. compliance plan is required prior to within 7 days of signing off on contract after a meeting with the T.E.R.O. Officer.
iv. Tribal Preference will be enforced in accordance with T.E.R.O.
v. All bidders should familiarize themselves with the T.E.R.O regulations. For additional information
visit the T.E.R.O. website
TERO — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (
ii. c. All Tribal laws are applicable and will be upheld.
Preference is given to qualified Native American candidates in accordance with the Indian Preference Act of 1934 (Title 25, U.S.C., Section 472) and Section 703(i) of Title VII Civil Rights Act