Museum Now Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Visitors

The Mashpee Wampanoag Museum is now open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM for tribal members and the public to visit. The Museum has been closed due to Covid for most of the year.

The Museum provides visitors with a glimpse into the history and culture of the Tribe from creation through present day in a range of exhibits. The Museum is located at 414 Main Street, Mashpee next to the herring run.

Talia Landry Joins Education Department

Please help us Welcome Talia Landry, Mashpee Wampanoag, to the Education Department as Communications Coordinator. Mashpee High School Graduate with a Bachelors in Communications, Talia brings her communications expertise back to her tribal community, working to fulfill the mission of aiding and advocating for our native students. This is a cause that Talia is passionate about. Through her experience and education, she comes to this position with cultural and historical understanding with an ability to promote and reach the public in creative ways.

Dasia Peters and Alyssa Harris win Commemoration Scholarship

The Texas Mayflower Society offered a Scholarship to aid tribal youth in furthering their education in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the first harvest. Bart Henson of the Mayflower Society stated, “We realize that without the instruction and help of the Wampanoag people, our ancestors may not have survived. We intend this as a gift of sincere thank you to the Wampanoag people for our early partnership and a commemoration of the first shared Harvest Festival in 1621. Helping Wampanoag youth to secure a good education beyond high school was a way we saw to support the local tribe into the future.”

Monthly COVID-19 Update from the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Management Department

Some MWT personnel had to isolate due to exposure and positive cases; as a result, the Emergency Management Department implemented a phase back which included a temporary building closure and a mandatory Covid test for all personnel. All MWT personnel must receive weekly PCR Covid tests at IHS, wear masks at all times, and thermal scanned before completing a daily Covid screening form.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), Tribal Victim Services, wants to expand National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and National Crime Prevention, Bullying Prevention, and Cybersecurity Awareness. Later this month, we will have further information regarding an "outdoor" event to share resources and promote healing during the last two weeks of October. We will be reaching out "across the Tribe." So 'STAY TUNED' for that Date!

Higgins Art Gallery at Cape Cod Community College Invites Indigenous Artists to Participate in Community Project

This art project aims at creating bridges between Cape Cod artists and to make visible the invisible communities that have created the fabric of Cape Cod. Since the arrival of the Pilgrims, colonization has done tremendous damages to The Wampanoag Nation. People of color living on Cape Cod, including Cape Verdean, immigrant, Brazilian and others, have been segregated and often discriminated against.