Powwow Committee Seeking Members

As we all know, it takes a lot of time, dedication and hard work to make our homecoming successful. We are soliciting respected members of the community to help with carrying out duties prior to, during and after the Powwow. Letters of interest can be sent to Cassie Jackson at cassie.jackson@mwtribe-nsn.gov or mailed to Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Powwow Committee, 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649.

SHINE Counselor Available

Tribal Health will have a SHINE Counselor available to assist our members in providing unbiased health insurance information and assistance with:

  • Medicare Part D and other prescription drug programs

  • Compare Medigaps to Medicare Advantage plans and their costs and benefits

  • Assist with billing problems and appeals

  • Prevent consumers from buying unnecessary or duplicate coverage

  • Help prepare enrollment forms and applications for assistance

Housing Department Accepting Applications for Waitlist

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Housing Department is currently accepting applications for waitlists for the following programs:

  1.  Rental Subsidy - Financial assistance provided for 24 months up to $300 per month.

  2.  Home Rehabilitation - Financial assistance will be provided for code violations, health, safety or threat of loss for up to $15,000.

  3. First Light Wampanoag Homes Applications – Providing safe and affordable housing for low income individuals.

For more information, please contact the Housing Department at (508) 477-0208 Ext. 104.