Covid Assistance Update

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe COVID stimulus Checks will automatically be sent if you received assistance in 2020, we have had delays but should be able to complete the processing before the end of June. COVID Assistance applications are only required for those who were NOT sent assistance checks in 2020. Be reminded, checks will be mailed to the same address when we last distributed membership payments. If you need an address updated please email or call 508-477-0208 x 173.

Treasury Rental Assistance Available

This program is first-come, first-served while funding is available.

The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance program will provide rental assistance to tribal households at or below 80% of the area median income. Funding of this program is per the federal CARES Act Relief Fund and is non-taxable as a Tribal general welfare assistance program and federal disaster relief.