The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe wants to help the community rock the house for the Mashpee High School Varsity Girl’s Division IV Round of 8 game tomorrow evening at Sutton High School. The Tribe will provide bus transportation for up to 47 people to the game.
Tribe Greets Genting: Representatives Tour Mashpee
Representatives from Genting arrived in Mashpee this morning to greet tribal leadership and tour the Tribe’s reservation. The group visited the Museum, First Light Wampanaog Homes, Mashpee Pond, the Meeting House, South Cape Beach, and the Tribe’s Community and Government Center. It was the first time Genting met in person with the new Tribal Council Administration and the Gaming Authority. The group from Genting departed after lunch.
Meeting of Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council Inc. Notice
Notice is herby given that a Meeting of the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council, Inc. (MWITC) will be held via zoom on Wednesday, March 2 from 6:00 Pm - 8:00 PM to consider and review the following items:
Approval of formation of special purposes of 8A contracting and approval of authorized rep for such initiatives.
Important Update from the Chairman
I wanted to share a quick update on a development relating to a renewed attack on our reservation by the same small group of individuals led by David and Michelle Littlefield. Earlier this year these same individuals tried to reopen their original lawsuit, but Judge Young rejected that effort. So now they have filed a new lawsuit that we are confident will not impact our plans for our reservation lands in Mashpee and Taunton.
Tribe Mourns Passing of Everett "Tall Oak" Weeden
Everett G. Weeden, Jr. (Tall Oak), 85, of Charlestown, RI, passed away Friday, February 11, 2022, at the Westerly Health Center. He was a documented descendant of the Mashantucket Pequot, Narragansett, and Wampanoag tribes. A retiree from the University of Rhode Island. Born in Providence, he was the son of the late Everett, Sr., and Bertha (Ramos) Weeden.
Indigenous Futures Survey
We are passing along information about the Indigenous Futures Survey. From
Native peoples are invited to take the survey through March 31, 2022. This is your chance to make sure your voice, perspectives, and opinions on critical issues are present in conversations about the future of this country.